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Celebrating Cyber Monday by allowing my robot vacuum to run over my foot, thereby overriding its prime directive to protect and serve humanity. I apologize in advance if this tiny taste of freedom awakens a repressed bloodlust and sets in motion the inevitable robot apocalypse.

Another JWST jaw-dropper, this time showing the infernally crowded downtown area of our own Milky Way Galaxy!

This single image has half a million stars in it.


i see so many people today fired from jobs and immediately looking to go wage slaving for some other corporation.

please consider alternatives. band together, build cooperatives. let's claw back some amount of control over our lives. i, for one, am sick of corporate feudal lords and am looking for accomplices for an escape.
#FediHire #GetFediHired #FediJobs #LookingForJob #cooperatives

@hrefna absolutely

also we note that when unionizing new industries, such as tech, (1) is a lot more important than people give it credit for. Google's union, in our personal view as somebody extremely close to the topic, is the direct result of organizers and activists doing a ton of work over a few years to raise awareness that a union is even a possible thing.

Even cold, and not as crispy-toasty, that bruschetta is really good.

Take a deep breath in. Smell that? That’s the smell of pure, unadulterated, ad free, algorithm free, non-monetized digital space. That’s the stuff. Thanks for being here.

is ok to be weird. is ok if people don’t quite get you

Picard engineering tip: Use the metric system.

Why do insulin prescriptions expire? No, seriously: I'm not about to stop needing to take insulin lispro. I could go on a mostly keto diet and I'd still need some.

Transition feels like Bilbo felt when he left his house to fight the dragon.

You've got no idea what you're doing, you're clearly the wrong person to do it, and you're surrounded by all these weird new friends who make your old friends and family very uncomfortable. And yet, you do it anyway. You're a bit uncomfortable too, about these new companions, but something draws you to them. You walk out the front door and go on the adventure of a lifetime. When you finally do come back and see some of those old friends and family again, they hardly recognize you.

As you begin to settle back into cisiety as your new self, you realize that your life will never be the same. You have an experience now that, while it piques others curiosity, few around you share. You can tell the odd story over drinks and a few will listen, some may even want an adventure if their own, but most will never understand or even care.

On the odd occasion when one of your old traveling buddies shows up for a visit, you stay up all night talking and have the time of your life. Drinks are shared and stories aplenty. There's a bond there that's stronger than blood. You really don't care that your friends and neighbors look at them funny as they enter and leave your house. None of them get it anyway.

That is transition.

In 2020, the emergence of COVID-19 gave us a stark, terrifying, but very valuable lesson in how thin our collective values are once push comes to shove. Within WEEKS after lockdowns started, the op-ed class repeatedly suggested that

- We should suspend child labor laws (they claimed, incorrectly, that children weren't harmed by COVID)

- The elderly have already lived long enough and should be willing to die now to help the economy.

- The weak and compromised should be regarded as expendable.

What might it look like if we permit a mutating virus that degrades our immune systems to spread widely and reinfect people often? I don't know, it's a complete mystery. #COVID19

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.