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I'm hoping this neck pain is muscular, because it's gotten worse...BUT my arm is not hurting or weak. That means the nerve isn't getting pinched.

If it's muscular, hopefully it'll go away. If my arm starts to hurt, then I'm in trouble....

here's your periodic holiday reminder that FUCK THE SALVATION ARMY

they're a queer hate organization. don't fucking donate to them. only shoplift from their stores. tell their solicitors to eat rocks

Me to the kid at the bus stop wearing a wolf cap yelling rawr at the other kids

Republicans have shown us what they want. They don't want democracy.

They want control over voters despite voters making their preferences known via votes. That’s dictatorship.

They don‘t want society to have a say. They want government officials installed rather than elected, by Republicans. No democracy-100% Republican rule.

I personally don’t think voters are going to sit it out and allow this.

Antagonisms flare as red states try to dictate how blue cities are run:

IF CRUELTY IS THE POINT OF FASCISM, Americans have turned their bureaucracies into violent, cruelty machines.

it is going to take more than voting out the fascists.

the cruelty is social.

the cruelty is economic.

the cruelty is systemic.

the cruelty is cultural.

how do you radically change a culture to become antifascist?

how do you radically change the mundane so it wont produce and reproduce systemic violence?

that's the real antifa work: to break the cycle of MUNDANE cruelty. /4

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1993: I use BBSes for online interaction. Each BBS is run by some random person. They connect to a federated worldwide network. I keep my notes in .TXT files.

2008-2022: I use social networks like Facebook and Twitter for online interaction. They're huge and popular. I use Evernote for my notes, which is full of features.

2023: I use Mastodon for online interaction. Each instance is run by some random person. They connect to a federated worldwide network. I keep my notes in .TXT files.

I didn't grow up in Austin, but I got there as soon as I could. I kinda miss it, but most of my Austin is gone, dissapeared around 2010. There are still a few of my places around (Wally's Burger Express, Galaxy Cafe, Mangia) but not many.

I lived near downtown when I first moved there and was just a quick run to the capitol in Hyde Park, back when it was affordable to live there. Lots to do in that area. Still lots, but most of it now is overpriced, and lacking the culture that made me move there to begin with (I miss the Frisco Shop, Ken's Donuts and Mother's).

Missing home a lot these days. But even if I went back, I think I'd still miss the memory of home.

Dude. DUDE.

Wordle 892 6/6


Thanksgiving, I turned my head wrong and "popped" my neck. Since then, I've had a slow pain in my pinched nerve that is slowly growing. Just as I'm getting to a point where I can sit down and write/draw/whatever, I'm hoping we're not looking at the nerve pinch coming back.

I have plenty of pain killers and am still doing the physical therapy, just at home on my own, so I'm hoping it'll go away pretty quick. But if I need an injection...I'm already fighting insurance for my first one, they're not going to allow a second one anytime soon.

Fingers crossed it just got aggravated and'll go away soon.

I still have an old DOS program to make ASCII art out of images. But you kinda have to squint.

For anyone complaining of the way Doctor Who is confronting gender issues, I remind you that fiction, and science fiction in particular, often reflects that with which contemporary society is grappling at any given moment.

It's not a coincidence, for example, that there were multiple "space hippies" episodes of Star Trek and Lost in Space, that classic Superman so often found himself battling gangsters, or that STTNG had an episode about cloning. These were all notable concerns of their day, and SciFi/fantasy offered one lens with which to examine them.

Now society is coming to terms with pronouns, non-binary and transgender people, etc., so here we are, exploring with stories. It's only natural and expected.

#scienceFiction #sciFi

Over the course of a few decades, the chances of achieving the 🇺🇸American dream 🇺🇸 went from a near-guarantee to a 🪙coin flip.

What happened?
American voters 🔥abandoned the system that worked for their grandparents🔥

From the 1940s through the ’70s, sometimes called the New Deal era, U.S. law and policy were engineered to ensure strong #unions, high #taxes on the rich, huge public #investments, and an expanding social #safetynet.

Inequality shrank as the economy boomed.

But by the end of that period, the economy was faltering, and voters turned against the postwar consensus.

Ronald #Reagan took office promising to restore growth by paring back government, 🔹slashing taxes on the rich and corporations, and 🔹gutting business regulations and antitrust enforcement.

The idea, famously, was that a rising tide would lift all boats.

Instead, ♦️inequality soared while♦️ living standards stagnated and ♦️life expectancy fell behind that of peer countries.

No other advanced economy pivoted quite as sharply to free-market economics as the United States, and none experienced as sharp a reversal in income, mobility, and public-health trends as America did.

Today, a child born in Norway or the United Kingdom has a far better chance of outearning their parents than one born in the U.S.

Just saw another video that used Ricotta cheese for an ancient Roman recipe, and frankly, I'm retiring my first book on Roman cooking that said "use cheddar" for any cheese dish and everything tasted BAD.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.