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Internet civility tip:

95% of shit people post was never intended by them to be an "argument". This isn't a debate club where you need to systematically dismantle every incorrect opinion that crosses your path.

Some people (me) get very annoyed when they're shooting the shit with their computer friends and some rando drops in to post a wall of text about how this minor thing you said in passing is wrong and here's why.

I don't care.

If I wanted to know, I'd ask.

Dreamed that I had used Linked In so much, they gave me a job.

Neck Update Before Bed:

Mostly pain free. Ocasional twinge and ache in my arm and neck. Just keep babying it, and hope for the best, Jenn.

Haven't had a good sit-down-and-enjoy Saturday Night Sci-Fi Theater in a while....


*Christmas music starts*
*the sound of a fire crackling*

May the odds be ever in your favor.

#GavleGoat #Gavlebocken #YuleGoat

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.