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My son is _furious_ that the servos he’s using in his grade school robotics club project have five degrees of play in their responsiveness and none of his test runs are replicable, and he’s angry that anyone would sell random unreliable junk like this to save a few bucks. I did not expect him to become radicalized by a grade-school engineering extracurricular but I fully approve.

For a certain number of generations, the phrase "You want to have your cake and eat it, too" has seemed dumb and weird because, at least in American English, "have cake" and "eat cake" mean the same thing, so I would like to propose the much more culturally relevant "You want to eat the last slice of leftover pizza in the fridge and also for there to still be leftover pizza in the fridge," which, while not as pithy, is far more on-point in conveying the specific sentiment.

Also, I just ate the last slice of leftover pizza in the fridge and am sad.

writing in to Canada Post my proposal for a series of holiday stamps depicting famous open-pit mines run by Canadian companies around the world

W3C has posted that we are no longer active on X/Twitter and have directed all our followers here to Mastodon.

We are encouraging all W3C-related accounts to do the same.

Encourage your friends to follow us here!

I think one of the ingredients in my bread has gone bad. OCcasional off taste, or overly salty spot in my bread slices....also, thinking I should move over to instant yeast, instead of adapting the recipes overs to Active Dry (which is what I had on hand when starting to bake).

I watched a lot of TV growing up. And a lot of his TV. It wasn't just entertaining, it could be Star Trek style educational-under-the-surface if you started to really think about it.

Cuisinart dropped the ball on making an Iron Chef collab line of appliances called "Allez Cuisinart"

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.