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Well...between the power outage while mixing the dough, having to hand knead it, throw it in the fridge and hope it would rise slowly (it didn't), not having enough room to roll out the down FAR more thinly, these look...........okay.

They smell fantastic, though. I ate the two small end pieces and the bread came out really good, too, despite having almost no cinnamon/sugar/marshmallow in them. That's a good sign cause that means the others will be super flavorful.

Glaze tomorrow after they cool, then off to the LGBTQIA+ Holiday Potluck with them!

Maybe after I have one more.

Update: I just realized! I've made stickybuns!

Maybe, instead of leaving my dough in the fridge to rise very slowly while I wait for the power to come on, I just leave it outside, where it's probably COLDER than the fridge.

Hrm, with the power out, might be a good night to set up the shortwave.

"Alright, let's get these cinnamon rolls started!"
:: power goes out ::
"Alright, let's get these pioneer cooking skills started!"

Jury orders Giuliani to pay two Georgia election workers damages nearly $150 million for defaming them after 2020 election

US pol, schadenfreude 

So two election workers sued Rudy Giuliani for $24 million each for defamation and received a verdict ordering him to pay them $150 million just now.

You love to see it.

My personal opinion:

The point of the Fediverse is not to get FediFamous, it's to curate your own social media experience so you only have to deal with the people you want to deal with, under the rules you want to follow. "Reach" isn't an important metric, and outside of very limited communities, "influencer" isn't really a thing here. That, more than anything else, is why corpo social media like Meta will always fail here -- the people who are doing Fedi right are immune to them.

Hubble slowly unwraps hidden wonders around the red supergiant star V838 Monocerotis. As light from the star’s temporary brightening in 2002 moves outward through space, unseen shells of dust are illuminated in what is known as a light echo. Credit: NASA, ESA, STScI.

the "I like this animal" to "I am this animal" pipeline

I always have the urge, when misgendered, too reply with "That's Ma'am. I didn't spend eight years in Woman College to be called 'Sir!'"

Suddenly craving Chicken and Waffles. The maple syrup Southern kind. Damn you, Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles, why are you so far away?!

Remember when I said I worked on Third Party Half-Life stuff before release date? Lookie what I found in the archive. The discs passed around our company to create deathmatch levels....

I didn't realize it was like ten days before release date. But it was before the release date! :)

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.