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"Whether in cartoon movies or in a physical representation, it seems to me that when showing people truly happy, it's best to show them hugging." - Hayao Miyazaki in 1983.


#ghibli #studioghibli #スタジオジブリ #anime #hug #hugging #hayaomiyazaki

It's a tad overprocessed, but this is the best I've ever seen this video look. Also, how to make Jenn happy in an instant:

Last Boost:


Me at 50 - Guess I should put one on if I'm gonna go out, I just won't go out.

Videogames, alcohol included in the box 

Not counting the coolest thing to be shipped with a game, which would be the (small) bottle of Dourthe No. 1 shipped with the first 1000 units of Wine no Hajimekata DS (for the Nintendo DS).

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#NASAWebb’s latest image of #Uranus is showing a feature at the planet’s north pole (🎅 👀❓) with incredible clarity as it faces Earth.

The planet’s dim inner and outer rings also shine brightly, including the elusive Zeta ring:

If you see this car, please call the police. It's stollen.

Santa deniers be like: "science brought my presents"

Let's work together to make Mastodon a success. Here's some simple things you can do to help:

-Pretend that other social media platforms don't exist. If someone mentions Twitter or Facebook, change the subject by looking up to the sky and screeching loudly.

-Make new users feel welcome by messaging them and saying "I would do unspeakable things to benefit you".

-Get the word "Mastodon" tattooed onto your forehead. When asked about your terrible life decision, you can explain what Mastodon is.

Edit: Hey y’all, thank you, there has been so much interest. I gave away 60 computers today!! There were fewer than “hundreds” it turns out, and I’m getting low on stock - I’ve responded to everyone that I think I might have a computer for.
We do also have maybe 20 boxes left that don’t have power adapters for them. They take the older proprietary Lenovo plug that all their laptops used through about 2018. If you have one and want a box sans plug, we can do that!

Hey #Seattle!

Anyone in the area need a few light computers for a #HomeLab? My work is updating all our thinclients and we’re getting rid of hundreds. More than willing to help distribute them for your project needs.

Free to a good home. PM if interested! I don’t want these sitting in a landfill

it hadn't clicked for us that Disney now has a financial interest in Doctor Who

that's... bad. that's really bad

I discovered a funny thing today. If I squeeze the middle of the volume control on my wired earbuds, iTunes will open and the first movie — The Addams Family (1991) — will start playing.

I basically have an Addams Family button on hand at all times now.

I'm actually a big fan of the zero day work week

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.