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Holiday baking, part 4: Cinnamon rolls!

Recipe from @dolari, half with and have without pecans. I left out the marshmallows.

Icing will wait until tomorrow morning when we reheat them to eat for First Breakfast along with Zoom call to family in Texas.

#Baking #WhatIsTonyaMarieCooking

Is this body positivity? I think this is body positivity.

While I'm okay if my Christmas isn't white, I would like SOME snow this winter....

Just a heads up to any trans folks needing to get on Washington State's Apple Health care.

When you apply, there is an entry on the application ( that specifically asks for your Sex Assigned At Birth.

Before filling this in, please note that Washington's Health Care Authority's Transhealth program ( states that, unless you need reproductive care, you do not need to put in your sex assigned at birth.

Only if you need reproductive care are you required to put in the sex assigned at birth.

This caused some issues with my healthcare as all my physicians and pharmacists have me listed as female but because I didn't know I could put down female on the form, cause a ton of headaches with insurance, and a lot of phone calls to get that set right.

Was in Second Life and picked up a new green qipao to wear to replace my very very very old one.

When I wore it on my current brunette anime avvie, it was kind of missing something, and I realized it was my old red-hair. So I put it on, and sure enough, her red hair pops with the green silk. After putting on her old face, she kinda looks like a classy lady.

But then I thought - what if I put the redhead's old clothes on my current brunette avvie and...SHE'S ADORABLY TSUNDERE.

I used to work on microcontrollers and an alarming number of questions of the form "why is our codebase like this" have an answer that begins "okay so in 1981 IBM released the first personal computer..."

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Taking advantage of a low pain day, I've FINALLY completely and totally deep cleaned the house! First time since May I've menaged to get it all done.

Gotta get to dirtying it all up tomorrow.

Tonight? Hot wings to celebrate. :9

We are almost there folks hang in there

2020 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓░ 469% :chefkiss:

I hope people get that Mitch McConnell made Trump's win possible in 2016 by refusing a bipartisan condemnation of Russia's attacks for Trump and he made 2024 possible by opposing Trump's conviction. He's the greatest villain of our time. Only Rupert Murdoch comes close.

It's Christmas eve, eve better get those gifts wrapped! 🎁

If your family sucks, feel free to @ me for a lil gender confirming message this weekend. It's not much but if a message from a fairy using your correct pronouns and name helps lmk 🥺

Part of the reason I hate this time of year, queer people might leave their little circle of queer safety

Home security reminder...
Many people are going away for Christmas which makes their homes easy pickings for burglars.
For security reasons, I strongly recommend leaving one of your children behind to construct a series of elaborate booby traps and defend your interests.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.