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The Mouse can’t remember when he first stepped onto the boat, or how he got there, or the name of the cursed river. All he knows is that there are always new souls lined up on the shore, waiting to be ferried across, coins plucked from their eyes to pay the way.

The Kobayashi Maru graphic in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" ⬇️ and an updated version in #StarTrekProdigy's "Kobayashi" ⬆️. All the basic starship specs are still the same. :-)

oh NO

we just saw a TV ad for an old person health food

appealing to our love of videogames

Please appreciate this gift that my brother gave me for Christmas.

So the incredibly expensinve medication company sent me a "Savings card" to use with my Tremfya, and everything. I figure since I'm no longer under my regular insurance, I should use it and got everything changed over to the new card.

Logged in after I hadn't recieved my meds to see "You are not eligible for the savings program."

Maybe don't send the insurance cards UNTIL I'M ELIGIBLE?

Also: American healthcare system still a joke.

Spent the evening dancing the night away for New Year's Eve in , as I've done most every New Year's for years.

Brought a friend along who needed a nice night out after a rough 2023. As someone also having a rough 2023, it was good to finally bid it goodbye.

Happy New Year, Second Life Residents! 🎉

May 2024 bring you a wealth of good fortune, the warmth of great friendships, and the excitement of grand adventures in the virtual world and beyond. Your creativity and passion continue to shape the vibrant tapestry of Second Life, making it a truly extraordinary community.

#SecondLife #LindenLab #virtualphotography #VirtualWorld #metaverse #SecondLifeAvatars #HappyNewYear #NewYearsEve

So "ratification" has nothing to do with turning people into rats

I've sat 15 minutes on the side of 2024 and tried to make myself write "Happy new year!" but... it's not coming.

Let's just try to survive another one, eh?

Oh, you need screws? What kind?
We got drywall lads, uh… sheetrock men… or do you just need some—

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.