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Gloamping, where you pounce your friend/partner at an overly elaborate campsite

Here's the thing.

I have spent 4 years working in and on crypto.

When I criticise it, I know what I'm talking about.

I was drawn in by the idea of a new financial system that didn't rely on traditional banks. I was excited by the idea of rebuilding digital ownership in a post-streaming world.

In the end, I came to realise my idealism had blinded me. The philosophy was largely false.

And outweighed by the scams, thefts, fraud and grift.

Since the beginning of 2022, I've made a big effort to digitize all my archive of...everything (and re-digitizing some of my older stuff).

I've been concentrating on optical media since I started, and after almost two years, I've hit my first milestone: all my audio CDs are re-encoded. I will likely have all my CD-ROMs also ripped shortly.

The Blu-Rays and DVDs not so much. Oh my goodness, the DVD stack is HUGE.

"Is that a pimple or a boil?"
"....that's a pretzel."
"Oh...::munch::...yeah it is!"

::looks at my dissapointing frozen dinner::

I'm gonna guess that General Tso and General Chang had very different ideas about chicken dishes.

@cavyherd @KevinStandlee

Responding to the #Dreamwidth bat signal - hi!

Here's the most recent statement I can find from Denise on the matter:

"If you are not using a VPN and you regularly get the captcha from our hosting provider (the graphical one instead of the DW-native text one), please email with your IP address… we are very well aware of the security and privacy reasons to use a VPN service for internet browsing, and we really wish we didn't have to put those barriers in the way of some of the VPN services people use to access the site, but the overwhelming majority of our abusive traffic comes from free VPN services. It's been getting sharply worse lately, and we've needed to take some radical steps to curtail it. I apologize profusely to those of you who are using those services legitimately for the inconvenience you've been experiencing."

Full text here:

Dive deep into the roots of our virtual world at the Primitive Museum and then journey through the rest of the Museum category on the Second Life Destination Guide to learn more about art, science, and global cultures. A world of discovery awaits!

Teleport now ➡️

#SecondLife #SecondLifeDestinations #StayVirtual #metaverse #virtualworld #VirtualMuseums

You know all the random unforced tech layoffs are just labor disorganizing, right?

That's it. That's all they are. They're making us play musical chairs with our jobs to keep us from ever building enough trust to organize. Their ideal outcome is a labor pool that's too traumatized and reactive to act collectively.

Just pushing everyone into a scarcity mindset on purpose. It's the whole US economy writ small.

If you liked that toot then you'll love this book

Kiryu: *opens coin locker, finds a pair of random underwear*

Kiryu: Better go put these on

“if it was important, you would have remembered it.” And “if you cared, you would have remembered.“

Neither of these claims have any basis in reality. Importance, and caring have no correlation to whether a memory is formed.

These sentences only serve to gaslight people about a chemical, process that they cannot control.

Please spread this knowledge.

Please stop gaslighting people with memory issues.

It is not possible to always be your best self. Life is complicated, and every day is full of challenges and compromises. But never forget that your best self is present, and strive to live up to it through it all.

Watching Elon seamlessly shift between neo-Nazi conspiracy theories and mainstream Republican arguments is a clear reminder of how little difference there is between the two.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.