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#cybersecurity zealots often shame humans for writing down their passwords, but as someone who just had to excavate the digital remains of a loved one who died suddenly:

*please* write down your credentials somewhere a trusted human can find them, especially your phone passcode and any primary passwords (like for email accounts, password manager, etc.)

the humans who care about you will need that access for many reasons; a "badass" threat model will only add helplessness to their grief

And in another milestone, all my CD-ROM software is backed up.

There's more here than fit in one spindle, but just barely. A small 1/4 spindle is on its way.

Given the sheer amount of DVDs (and more than a few Blu Rays) I have, those wont' get finished for sometime....

Oh that's not good. Happened a while ago, but I keep forgetting that it's cracked.

Mother Nature Listened!

It's just a light dusting, but, I'll allow it. :)

I've had a very bad day of my brain beating me up mentally. Very bad day.

I don't talk about this much, but I struggle with depression pretty badly, and some days, like today, it wins. If you know someone dealing with depression, give them a pat on the back, or a big hug, whatever they feel comfortable with.

It can be rough out here.

Went to go take the trash out. Made it about two steps before it turned into a complete ice rink and I slid all the way down to the trash can.

It probably would have looked awesome if I wasn't terrified.

"Go to an old cemetery. See all the baby graves from before the 1950s & 60s? After that, hardly any. That's when people started vaccinating their children against deadly childhood diseases. If you're unsure what to do to protect your kids, the answer is literally written in stone." — Michael Okuda

Without vaccines, many transmissible diseases were once an early death sentence. People are so quick to forget how fortunate we are to have access to them.

@britt Adjacent casual reminder to 3DS and Switch gamers: Run your cartridges through your system on a regular basis! 3DS and Switch cartridges use NAND flash for storage, not mask ROMs, and like all Flash memory they lose charge over time and thus have the potential to lose data.

remember in 2017 when NC passed that bathroom bill and even the NCAA cancelled their events there? why the fuck are people hosting conferences and shit in florida now

let's start the year with something simple: WINDS is a tiny, legible, extra spaced pixel font~✨

(I've been making fonts for 9 years: with your support I'll try to get to 10. thanks)

#pixelart #font #gamedev #assets

My ex used to do genealogy and did my family tree back a good few hundred years. I ran about five generations back my family was very wealthy. I would very much like to know where that went.

I also learned that I may be a distant cousin of Edgar Allan Poe which I've quite pleased about as I too plan to die drunk on the streets of Baltimore one day.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.