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The sponsor of the anti-trans bathroom bill in Utah said, and I quote that she was "trying to make it illegal for a naked man to be in a bathroom with an 8-year old girl”.

I'm going to therefore ask. If you've ever been in a public bathroom, how many naked men have you seen with 8-year old girls?

#trans #LGBTQIA #Utah #Hate

Drawing truth tables in sidewalk chalk with my son. "That's a NOT gate, I know that from #Minecraft!". Remember, talk to your children about logic gates before someone else does.

I imagine if we could hear the universe it would sound like WOEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Shoutout to the person I was behind in traffic yesterday who was rocking a “Live Laugh Lurk” bumper sticker.


My goal isn't for Mastodon to replace Twitter.

My goal is for the Fediverse to attack and dethrone God.

I think it’s somewhat telling that I posted the same poll to Mastodon and Twitter asking if I should do a blog or a YouTube channel and the results have been pretty cut and dry, but with opposite results.

Can’t say I’m really surprised (Mastodon mostly says do a blog, Twitter mostly says do YouTube videos), but it’s still fascinating to see.

Tried to google trauma dumping but autocorrect changed it to trauma dumpling, the results however did not disappoint

@lmorchard I'm aware of at least ten people who are about to get caught up in a "Return to office" to an office they've never been to in a state they've never lived in. (We were hired remote, we lived a whole coast away.)

I am highly suspicious that this company is going to terminate a majority of the people who are moving, and that the policy was itself a "soft" layoff.

So I've been doing a rewatch of the Dirty Pair recently, and it's come to my attention how much Nanmo looks likes a TNG Exocomp.

Now I know Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda are Dirty Pair fans so maybe.......?

I'm bemused by the folks weighing in excitedly about an $83M decision today.

Wake me up when the loser is wearing jumpsuit orange or is living on the streets because they've actually gotten the money out of him for all of these lawsuits he's lost. Otherwise, meh.

(And spare me the "this is a symbolic victory" argument. The loser is exceedingly likely to be a major-party candidate on the ballot in 2024, and even money in my view to win the election, so "symbolic victories" don't impress me much.)

As a wrestling fan who has lapsed a bit, I still keep up on the wrestling news.

The Vince McMahon story that's blown up in the last 24 hours, to not rely on third party reporting etc... I went to read the actual legal filing to see exactly what was going on.

It's very, very grim reading.

Then I got to one bit.

Now I have a strong stomach but holy hell I had to nope out with 60 pages to go as it made me feel physically sick.

As someone on Reddit put it, "What a horrific day to have eyes."

Your friendly neighborhood grocery store is calling for the abolishment of federal labor protections...

Trader Joes is having a normal one.

1/26/24, Bloomberg: Trader Joe’s Follows SpaceX in Arguing US #Labor Board ( #NLRB ) Is Unconstitutional

From back in 2017....

@spottyfox - Challenge - Country Music with a GBLT/feminist bent. And GO!

Jenn Dolari: Hold My Beer.

"And That Is Okay By Me."
by Jenn Dolari

Well my beau done left me for Dr Brassard,
Came back as a woman, named Carrie Ann Lamar.
And now my gal done wears all-a my old clothes,
She steals my bras and then wears my pantyhose.

And that is okay by me.

They say things are bigger in Texas, it's true.
The progesterone regiment made her a bouncer, too.
We talk about the patriarchy and what we're gonna do.
She paints my nails, and I paint hers too.

And that is okay by me.

She gets all the hollers when she drives the pickup truck.
You'd think they'd be hateful, but we've got all the luck,
We live in a county that's more Purple than Red.
'Cause the Hill Country's got heart, and that makes the rest mad.

And that is okay by me.

Now there are some folks, who will holler and moan,
Wish they'd shut up and just leave us alone.
They're not the ones who'll be sleepin' in our bed.
Obergfell v Hodges says we're legal to wed.

And that is okay by me.

I loved my beau as much as my gal,
She still the same person, and she's my best pal.
The weddin' is on, we sent out the invites,
But I'm not too sure we both can wear white.

And that is okay by me.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.