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Hey folks, I know I've shared a lot of dasharez0ne stuff in the past, and was a member of their Patreon, but I recently learned that once it hit it big on Kickstarter, the account was stolen from JANE MOON, who was its original creator, and she was screwed out of basically all the money and locked out. I don't generally share a lot of fundraisers, but if you, like me, unknowingly financially contributed to this injustice, you might consider throwing a few bucks at her GoFundMe campaign:

(Edit: jane moon prefers all-lowercase, or all uppercase)

It's not often I have days where I can look back and say "this was a good day." Today?

"This was a good day."

::goes to bed happy::

Meeting host: let’s go around the room and share a fun fact about ourselves!


Just had a meal prepared on August 9th, 2018. And it wasn't bad!

MRE Menu #19: Jalapeno Pepper Jack Beef Patty with Blueberry Cherry Cobbler and an oatmeal cookie. :)

We had a power outage today, so I wasn't able to cook any meals for this week. So, the emergency rations got taken out and...well....emergenciy rationed.

::wakes up::

Alright, gotta lot to do this Sunday! Lots to do and get ready and...

::power goes out for hours:: much for that.

Found a supercut of that prop with the red blinky tubes that ends up in the background of every SF movie

For me, there are two kinds of cinnamon. "Fire" and "Christmas."

Fire is just hot. Cinnamon Mentos, Jolly Rancher Fire Stix.

Christmas I feel is "Apple cinnamon" but apple isn't always a part of it. It's a milder Cinnamon and tastes more like the smelkl of cinnamon other than just hot. That's the smell of Christmas for me.

somebody sent me a photo of "advertising is the graffiti of the rich" written on a wall, and I'm honestly having trouble coming up with anything truer

This is probably what Carrie's hair looks like in real life:

So that meal from Sam's Noodle Town? It ended up being Breakfast and Lunch, and given how much is left over, likely dinner and a midnight snack. THERE'S SO MUCH HERE.

Remember when it was safe-ish for a trans-woman to drive cross country without being harassed by the local citizenry and/or police? Good times.

I haven't done a cross country road trip since 2018.

Okay, not only did Sam's Noodle Town deliver, they delivered a TON of it.

The portions were so big, I was already full once the noodle bowl came out, and ended up taking most of it home.

Thoughts Before Bed

Sometimes, the right person for the job isn't the one who is best at it, but the one who cares the most about it.

Words I really needed to hear today.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.