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I didn't just nearly set my stove on fire, no not me, I'm smarter than that.

So I was out on the town early today to help a friend on a project coming up, and after it was done, and breakfast, I decided it was far too nice a day to waste in my home office, so I took a trip to Index and back, just to get out of the house. I was not dissapointed.

"You're aging gracefully, Jenn."
"No I'm not, I'm aging violently into the night."

I know I'm nearing fifty when I realize I have too many glasses for too many things.

One for everyday, one got computer use and one for driving although that's being repurposed for VR.

I've got a set of prescription sunglasses in the car, too.

Thoughts Before Bed:

1987: I'm living proof that boys and girls can be friends without physical attraction getting in the way.
1988: Turns out it was because I was a girl this whole time.

It's fun to use PCMCIA


*twists body into letters awkwardly as bystanders gawp at me*

That glorious first day of the year when all the windows are open.

Thanks to a friend, I finally head my first real Holodeck Moment in VR.

While Resonite gave me my first "this is my body now" moment, Resonites worlds were nice but mostly highly stylized (and honestly, I'm still smitten with having a closer body to what I want there), and SL was, as I mentioned, a 3D experience versus VR.

But I tried EmuVR at the suggestion of a friend - which is essentially a VR version of RetroArch for playing console games on your VR set. But it's set in a small room. From the 80s.

With the closed in walls, and the ability to really look up close and examine stuff (and the little things like candy bars scattered around, and pizza boxes), it really felt like I was inside a room full of TVs.

The game emulation was iffy but the immersion was really REALLY complete. Very VERY felt like a Holodeck sim....

Dear boobs.

I understand that you're doing what you can. But if you're going to be in my sight every time I look down, please at least grow a little more?


The girl who would prefer to be able to have some cleavage when she wears a camisole.

#transition #boobs #trans

This is your periodic reminder of the single greatest US #licenseplate plate ever.

Popeyes Biscuits are just Bisquik, sour cream and Sprite?!

oh! very last thing:

i came of sexual age during the middle of the #AIDS #pandemic.

had it not been for ACT-UP many of us GenXers would have been dead by now. they FORCED the mainstream to reckon with the virus's devastation and the Reagan and Bush policies that were nothing but #eugenics served over "kinder, gentler" platitudes.

AND YET, i'd cringe when Larry Kramer would talk about USGov's fascist health policies.

Larry, you were right. fascism been here for a long ass while.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.