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When you can understand why there weren't mass arrests of the proud boys, or mass arrests at Jan 6, but there were mass arrests at BLM protests, and there are mass arrests on college campuses... you'll be one step closer to understanding free speech in America.

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I am absolutely not advocating that people should ban anyone who disagrees with them on anything, or whatever. Diversity, including some level of "viewpoint diversity", is valuable. But have some principles -- not all views are worthy of respect

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You know, in the 80s people often said things like "in 40 years, everything will have computers in them", and while they weren't wrong, they severely underestimated the situation.
Our computers have computers in them. Those smaller computers often have even smaller computers inside them.

We didn't get a "everything is a computer" future, we got a future with fractal computers. The fuckers have metastasized

Some COVID conscious people are worried about mask bans because protestors are wearing them. That's understandable, but (a) they are wearing them to mitigate COVID spread, and (b) even if COVID didn't exist, they should have the right to wear them to protect against surveillance.

There are many valid reasons for wearing a mask. We don't restrict people from wearing glasses or sunglasses based on the reason why they are wearing them. We should be pushing governments to pass laws that protect everyone's right to wear a mask, no matter what the reason.

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I am finding little round bandaids all over my neck and chest and wonder what the heck they were doing yesterday during my injection.

The US government's entire beef with TikTok is they believe it's spying on Americans for the sake of the Chinese government, as opposed to American social media companies who spy on Americans for the sake of local, state, and federal law enforcement and various intelligence agencies and literally anyone else who is willing to pay for that data.

Which is why they want TikTok sold to an American company willing to hand that data over to them instead of instituting actual privacy regulations.

LB: I may have done this in the early 90s, and it got away from me.

As a person who issues ID and other government identity stuff because thats somehow packaged into my job as an insurance agent....

I would just love to reiterate that Trans people are the best. You are "paperwork bs" rockstars and I wuv you.

Europeans and US-Americans getting mad at each other for not understanding that there's not just one monolith culture in each place will never not be funny to me.

Like I'll someone from the US make some negative statement about Europe, and inevitably a European will be like "that's just the Belgians, we're not just one big country like you" or whatever.

Then like turn around and make a sweeping statement about the US that really only applies to like Florida or Texas or something.

Reference to turn of the millennium curiously sexual game advertising 

Me, at 90, in a nursing home: Ah, I'll never forget the summer of 2000. That's when John Romero made me his bitch

Nursing home staff: I think it's time for your medication, gran

Me: Suck it down!

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.