This was in my head when I woke up, and now I must inflict it on you.
Woke up to about twenty messages saying "JENN. DID YOU SEE? DID YOU SEE?!?!?!"
This is gonna crack so many eggs. ❤
Wow, US medical insurance is so bad that today I discovered that my Medicare coverage was cancelled. How is that even possible?
It had everyone at the doctor's office wondering.
The answer is that I was on a Medicare Advantage plan - which I now know is something that every person should avoid. And they simply change me to a new medical provider - at a new location with new doctors and no records - without ever telling me.
You know who created the Medicare Advantage program - Republicans.
That's the same people who created various "health savings plans" in which those savings vanish at midnight each December 31.
I will be getting out of that "Advantage" plan at the next registration period, but that means that I'll be going the rest of the year without medical insurance, even though I am paying monthly for it.
Sheesh, the R-party really knows how to screw the public pooch.
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter