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Tonight feels like a Disney Channel Special Sci Fi Double Feature Night, so tonight, we're watching The Black Hole and Tron.

Things I learned from Lissa, #29084:

Frozen dinners are so much better in the oven than the microwave, it's worth the time it takes to make them in the oven.

"Maybe this isn't for you" should NEVER be the answer to a question asked in earnest.

It's my birthday. As is tradition, I request boosts.

I remember when paying for an internet connection meant you got an email account, a ~user style web space, and access to a local-ish Usenet server. And when a static IP for your broadband connection was $4/month and they didn't care what you served from it as long as it didn't hurt the network or get them in legal trouble.

Somewhere along the way we got tricked into core services like email and hosting simple pages being either additional (and high!) costs or vehicles for ad-oriented surveillance. And it's been so complete a shift that people who aren't even that much younger than me just accept this as the natural order of things.

Sometimes i forget about my physical body but its nice to remember that i have one nowadays.

I sort of love that these two vehicles have the same bed size.

The Kei's is actually a bit more useful because you can fold down the sides.

An electric Kei could be a game changer in cities.

people in skirts regardless of their gender

boost if agree like if yes

Teacher: William Shakespeare is credited with the invention of over 1,700 words. He was a linguistic genius.

Student: Can I make up words and use them in my papers?

Teacher: Absolutely fucking not.



*spits a bunch of garbage across your file system like a poorly configured package manager*

I don't understand people continuing to work after getting a few million dollars

I'd jump right to retirement

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.