For those who liked my Deep Dive into the Shooting Script of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, I'd like to point you to some work I did on ALLLL the different drafts of The Motion Picture:

I'd love to do one like that for Wrath of Kahn, but have never found any early drafts. If you have one, lemme know. :)

What? No! Ame was that kind of gentle sounding but deeply-but-quietly unhinged streamer I really liked!

Because at least @dolari would be interested, the non-DVD, non-artbook portion of the backer rewards for the Dirty Pair re-dub arrived this morning. Not shown is the 20% off coupon for the Crunchyroll store.

So with the movie over and some of the changes annoted, there are a some things there that absolutely should hae been removed (the dumb bastard joke and some on-the-nose moments), but some things I'd like to have seen kept (Saavik being given a more "young leader in training" role).

Saavik in the movie comes across as just a new character, and in the script she seems to be set up as a replacement for Spock in future sequels. I also like that there is the BEGINNING of a David/Saavik relationship, and that it's not capped off at the end. Again, the feeling of setting something up for future movies.

This is the only draft of Wrath of Khan I was ever able to find, which is the Nick Meyer shooting script so sadly I can't do a comparison like I did with ST:TMP. If you have any of the early drafts, I'd love a copy/loan of them so I could do that comparison. Wrath of Khan also has an interesting (if much less volatile) history to its scripts. :)

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Annnd Saavik ruins the moment by referencing a line from earlier during Kirk and David's fight to the death. For a joke.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.