here to remind y'all to put some respeck on Lord Finesse's name
So, there are people out there who really feel that I'm being paranoid about Trans Rights and that's why I don't want Trump in. So be it.
This video will give you a very good VERY logical reason as to the MANY reasons why his Presidency is a Bad Thing. Not from a biased news source, not from people who will suffer from his Presidency. But from someone telling you WHY voting for him is bad Idea.
I know I'm preaching to the 95% of the choir. This is for that 5% that still think he's a good idea.
Heh, someone arranged all of Max Miller's Tasting History in historical order. :)
"When reached for comment, Megatron said, 'Of course I supported her transition! I'm a megalomaniacal dictator with delusions of godhood, not a monster!"
::looks worryingly towards Canada::
This is so fucking amazing. Yeah it has its silly moments being a Try Guys video, and this episode focuses on male fashion when you're a transitioning trans man (and it's GOOD to see the trans-man experience). But that last five minutes. I cried so hard.
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter