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The maternal mortality rate for Black women who saw white doctors was much higher than white women BEFORE ALL women had no bodily autonomy. Imagine what happens to us now in their hands.

tip: you're allowed to call yourself "award-winning" if you've ever gotten a playstation trophy

Looks like we replaced the furnace just in time; not a single day above freezing for the next 10 days here in MN.

We're still trying to raise money to pay this off by March when all the financing fees kick in. I'm throwing my savings at it, but I'm the only income in the house as my housemate is disabled.

Any help if you can:


News reporters, INCLUDING ON MSNBC, are changing their language concerning the incoming White House team.

I just heard someone on MSNBC call it "diverse".

No, I'm sorry. That's not diverse. A few women, a bunch of (mainly) white, cis dudes is not diverse.

FFS, people. Media needs to be honest.

Do you own a website and wish to make sure your visitors' identities are protected?

“Don't sign in" is zero-source, takes no minutes to integrate, works with static sites, and shows that you care about your visitors' #privacy.

The only protected data is data that's never collected.

#dataprivacy #gdpr

So I often talk about how I'm in VR a lot, but I really don't do much there.

I'll visit worlds, talk to people, but mostly I'm just hanging out in my virtual spaces watching movies or reading webpages. Just kind of existing, because I can exist there the way I want to.

But once a week, I go into our Creator Jam and build stuff. It's a lot of fun and I'm learning to make more and more complex items. Last week, I made a floating island. But this week we had a "build battle." Two and a half hours to make a world and/or game, with a team of people.

And we built one! A doom-ish game where you're chased by kill fridge. I'm really proud of pur team for this one, so here's a video from the POV of our Creator Jam host.

You'll see me in there in my "performance avatar" which is just a head-and-hands avvie so we don't all bog down the server. I'm in Green with brown hair.

Packing up toys in the bedroom. These aren't so much toys as they're memories.

Lots of bittersweet here from my decade with Nintendo. Still the best place I ever worked, and the saddest place I ever saw descend into malevolent mediocrity.

So, for lunch today, I had a half-a-block of Ramen with pork sausage. Since this is kinda bland, I touched it up with a but of white pepper and vinegar. And it's VERY good.

Which is great cause I tried that last night I tried this, forgot to whisk the pepper into it, and ate a full teaspoon of white pepper at once. So I wasn't tasting ANYTHING but white pepper last night.

All the toys with packaging in the office are repacked and put away for putting into boxes. It doesn't seem like I did much, but it sure felt huge.

Wow, it's been three days since the windstorm, and power is still out for a ton of folks. We were lucky to get ours back up in a about 12 hours....

Yesterday was the Transgender Day of Remembrance. A day where we remember people who were killed for being who they are.

What will you do today to make sure there is no need for a vigil tomorrow?

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.