The real reason that the UHC assasin was arrested by police in Altoona was he had a slice of Altoona-style Pizza and liked it.
Am I the only one who likes non-crispy bacon? I like it just as it's turning red, so the edges are crispy, sure, but that rubbery just about to render fat? MMMMMMMMMMMMM.
Also, I don't like fluffy scrambled eggs, I like scrambled eggs that are just this side of fried. I've become a fan of omlettes cause they're closer to what I like than "proper" scrambled eggs.
The nice thing about virtual bodies? I felt like having green eyes, so I gave myself green eyes. No real reason other than "I think I like green tonight."
I should also do red one day.
Also, you can pull my glasses off now. :)
What watching a movie in VR, on a gigantic screen looks like. Except it's in 2D. And it's all shaky, cause my head is the camera.
It's funny how that works - it looks shakey here, but in VR, it's very steady...cause it's all in relation to my head. One of the reasons why I'll watch movies in 3D in VR. It's locked to your eyes.
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter