@relee because i am one.
@zx3 Good answer! A lot of folks don't want to be what they are, though.
Given your case, what does it mean to be a robot? Do you want to stay a robot, and either way, why?
@relee i think it was that great maritime philosopher, Popeye the Sailor, who said "I yam what i yam."
being a robot is the pinnacle of my self-expression. i aspire to be one, and in the same breath i can't not be one.
@zx3 @relee - I wonder how much of that is like my desire for the outside to match the inside.
I do not WANT to be a robot. I wouldn't MIND it if the end goal was that I could express who I was with what you see.
You could dump me into my Second Life avvie, and with all the restrictions and functional losses, I'd be happy - because I'd be what I am, instead of telling people that what they see is not me.
@dolari @zx3 This gave me some interesting thoughts for my own self, and for the idea of being on the outside what you are on the inside.
I'm definately not, but I'm not sure I want my inside and outside to match even though I want to change my outside and inside.
It seems like, to me at least, the outside is only partially for me, but also for others. It's to show them things, and send messages. I also want to be pleasant to others, to their senses and minds.
The inside's not like that.
@zx3 I'll appreciate any updates you care to give! ^.^