I've been spewing every thought in my head on the internet since my university days in 1993. Thirty years. From Usenet to Blue Sky. I often say I live in the internet, and it's no joke.

But...if I can ask...why are you here? Just wondering why people have listened for thirty years....

Don't have to answer in public (or at all). DMs are open.


@dolari you are a kindred spirit, you have earned a wealth of knowlegde, skill and experience, and you're a good friend.

you also know where the bodies are buried. but so does everybody else, because I CAN'T SHUT UP about the BODIES i BURIED under the NACHO CHEESE PIT out behind th[-NO CARRIER-]

@zx3 - The thing about living in the Pacific Northwest is you'd think there's ample space to hide a body, but NOOOOOOOO, you start digging and there's a body already there. EVERYWHERE.

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