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sending a rejection notice to a job applicant on the same day as their interview should cause the sender an immediate sensation of nausea and intense groinal pain, because that's exactly what getting one feels like.

remember, if you don't set your clocks back an hour tonight, you *will* be eaten by Langoliers. i don't make the rules here, people.

tonight's Culture Ship name:

GCU Bizarre Gardening Accident

(currently pictured: cognition processing cores 17 through 372)

just had a technical interview for a job i really want. now, all i need to do is wait, and figure out how to turn off the part of my brain that won't stop screaming.

we close the (heavy, creaky) door on another spooky season. happy Samhain to those who celebrate.

remember to leave a glass of champagne and a goblet of claret out on the stairs for Vincent Price and Elvira, who have been out carousing with bois and ghouls.

what shopping is like right now: it is not christmas yet, it's not true, that is bullsheet, it is nahhht.

oh hai santa

right about now, if a shift as winter caretaker for the Overlook hotel opened up as an unpaid internship with nothing but the promise of a reference letter come April, i'd already be in the car.

zx3 boosted

Hoooly 🥞 I had not expected them to have this much success just grafting metal into bones. The bone actually grew around it, does not seem infected, and the bone mount is actually so strong the bionic hand can just be attached to it. Look at these x-rays, this is like right out of a movie, if we can replicate this to other people it's going to change prosthetics/augmentation forever.

Revolutionary Bionic Hand Fuses With Woman's Bones, Muscles, And Nerves : ScienceAlert

zx3 boosted

You already know that plastics aren't being recycled, not to any significant extent. But there are some good details in this MIT article. It talks about some promising options for increasing reuse and recycling, talks about bioplastics, and notes the emergence of a company called "Perpetual" that's trying to stand up whole new circular systems for food packaging in 3 (soon to be 4) USA cities. Ultimately though, the tide of plastics can't be stemmed until polymer manufacturers, most of which are also oil extractors like Exxon, are forced to pay for the costs of pollution.

#Plastics #environment #pollution #FossilFuels #Climate

it's October. summer's corpse has just begun to turn.

Went to Cahokia Mounds Historic Site today and climbed Monks' Mound. pictured is St. Louis, and i also got a good view of the smokestacks of Alton IL, where my father's family first lived when they arrived in the States. somewhere in the tractless wastes between is where i live, and to the left of that somewhere is the Weldon Springs site--two earthen monuments separated by a short distance, vastly different in composition and intent.

i meditated briefly at the top and thought about place and permanence, how the indigenous people would have thought about time before the arrival of European colonists, about how they might have seen the universe in permanent cycles with change being an occasional anomaly; their world ensconced in an egg of eternity. i'm probably wrong about that. all i have are quasi-educated guesses.

looking out at the city in the distance, it occurred to me that this would be a great place to be to watch the nukes rain down. i'd have, what, three seconds of watching the bulidings crumble into ash and the Arch twisted up like a paperclip until the blast wave hit? what an amazing three seconds that would be...of course, knowing me, i'd be looking at my phone trying to pull up the "Koyannisqatsi" soundtrack, unable to remember if VLC sorted Philip Glass under "P" or "G" and i'd miss the whole thing. fwoosh.

zx3 boosted

I’ll write a fuller response later, but when billionaire tycoons who profit from genocide say that they want to become “supermen” while explicitly endorsing colonialism, that’s not optimism. That’s fascism with a smile. I actually make stuff, and help other people make stuff, and genuine optimism (technological or not) looks like community, nurturing, organizing and empowering — not indulging billionaires who profit from genocide.

Exact Audio Copy feels like it should come with a .FLAC of the members of Steely Dan talking shit about your music collection

dear software makers: if you're expecting a more helpful answer out of me for the question "how will you use our product" than "i will make dope shit" i hope you like continued disappointment

i have had an extremely stressful day. my head reverberates with the rageful sussurus of a hornet's nest and my body aches like an empty factory. i have consumed painkillers and Relax-O-Drugz™ and will spend the next few hours bemoaning the fact that The World Was Ever Thus.

if you love me, send me pictures of Raquel Welch or Optimus Prime for to soothe my tortured optics.

zx3 boosted

As many of you have noticed, being an "antifascist" means you are federally classified as an "anarchist violent extremist" under domestic terrorism laws.

Since your own government has labeled dissent as terrorism, and you a terrorist, it might be time to start preparing for "when it happens here."

What does this mean?

Well, terrorist is a scary word, right? It's a charged word, and that's important. They call people scary words to justify sending their militaries to kill them. They just so conveniently happen to be super funding their domestic militaries as they do this.

We shouldn't fall into false comfort that, because they aren't busting in doors left and right, that they don't absolutely mean what they say, or that they would never do that here. They already do - in targeted communities, SWAT, Parole, ICE, DEA, ATF. Why not you?

You are criminalized, and you need to be planning accordingly.

You need to begin thinking like a criminal and building sympathy for other criminals it you're going to survive the coming decade. Criminalization causes diaspora, forced migration, incarceration, displacement, dehumanization, death.

You should be taking these things with utter seriousness and understand that just because our government is inefficient in helping us doesn't mean it's inefficient. It's two most efficient outputs is violence and death, and they will absolutely come for you before the ink dries from their pen.

Plan accordingly, plan locally, and plan secretly. We are not clandestine because the cloak and dagger is cute and attractive - there are tools for self defense targeted people have used to protect themselves from the government for hundreds of years. Learn them and use them. Think like a criminal.

Do not think because you washed your hands and wiped your ass and showed up to work on time that you're magically safe. In fact, repression normally begins at the soft targets and works its way up to the harder to reach fruit, so you may be shit outta luck on two counts for keeping your hands clean.

Be smart. Be safe. Be dangerous, and plan accordingly.

Check out our linktree for the community antifascist guide and learn about affinity groups, doxxcare and security culture. Safety starts with you. Fight with the tools that work and protect each other.

i can't believe this song has never made its way onto an official Pokemon soundtrack.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.