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Tonight's TNG was Future Imperfect. I really LOVE the combadges used in the "Future" here. I wish they'd used them more.

So after the Fdisk->Format->Reinstall of Linux Mint, my copy for Gourmand/Gourmet Recipe Manager broke. It still opens, but I can't calculate nutritional info which I need for my diabetes. I'd also rather not switch over to Windows 11 just to calculate my nutritional information, so....

I like to visit the Centro Stontro Storico in the Municipinicipio.

Radio New Zealand coming in strong enough to sound like it's next door. They're talking about the effects of typhoon flooding on farms from the typhoon that just hit there.

My Valentine (me) got me (also me) some nice chocolates for Valentine's Day.

Reseasoning panic #4

I went ahead and removed the comal from the water/vinegar soak, washed it to an inch of its life to make sure all the vinegar is washed off, and it's now reseasoning in the oven.

I've made the problem a billion times worse. I had small little orange patches of rust. Now the whole thing is orange. I'm only reseasoning it to seal the comal to keep it from rusting any further.

Once I get a job, I'm going to have someone profressionally restore it, and then put it away for good. I rarely use it as it is, (I make tortillas maybe once a year because I'm diabetic) and frankly, it's better I just have a cheapie non-stick griddle for stuff like that.

I just hope I didn't ruin it.

Reseasoning Panic #2 - The water-vinegar bath seems to be making the rust problem WORSE. It's definitely more orange now, and the rust patina isn't coming off.

Beginning to think I need to give this to someone to fix and then just put it away where I won't ruin it. I don't want to be the one who ruins an heirloom.

Reseasoning panic #1. The rust removal gel wasn't a gel when I opened it. This wouldn't have been a problem if I'd found this out BEFORE I SCRUBBED clean the comal. And I didn't want to reseason it with the rust patches. But I couldn't just LEAVE it.

Found another de-rusting technique using water and vinegar, so the comal is soaking in that right now. Hopefully that will do the trick.

If not, I'll just reseason it with the patches and try again next year with de-rusting gel. And this time CHECK the gel before I start.

About to re season my grandmother's comal. I'm actually terrified when doing this. This is a working heirloom, so I actually do use it to cook. But it's also incredibly old and I don't want to be the one who breaks this.

On top of that, when re seasoning cast iron, you do absolutely everything you're not supposed to to cast iron. Scrubbing with soap and water and everything.

It went well last time I did it other than not being able to scrub all the minor rust patches out. I'm hoping the rust treatment I have will take care of those patches this time.

Well seeing that my sleep schedule is completely trashed, I may as well watch the sunrise. Cause the McDonald's won't open for another fifteen minutes.

Gotta get those McGriddles when you're awake for them.

Burning off the last of the Threadgill's homemade dinner in one go.

A++ Would cook again.

It's amazing what you can get done when you're trying not to panic over your future, she said looking at her new Video Game Shrine Games Database.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.