This Week's Fancy Pants Meal: Swedish Ham Balls in Brown Sauce
This one is pretty good. I'm not the biggest fan of meatballs and meatloaf, because I don't like bready beef, but I'll absolutely eat a hamloaf. Soemthing about ham changes the taste that I prefer it to beef.
These hamballs were pretty good, although it absolutely needs some salt. The original recipe has no salt, so next time I make this I'm gonna try a teaspoon of salt.
The sauce was REALLY good. Very sweet-and-sour, but also very liquidy. If I make this again, I'm gonna see about taking the left over sauce after the baking, and reduce it down to something a tad thicker. Make it more of a sauce than a broth.
This comes from a type of cookbook I really really like - employees of a company coming together to share recipes. You get some really good stuff that's simple to make. Although sometimes, you get really bad stuff that's simple to make. Add some salt to this recipe and you have something real good.
# Swedish Ham Balls in Brown Sauce
Sure Cures for Hunger
6.0 servings
1.0 pound ground ham
1.0 cup bread crumbs
1.0 whole beaten egg
0.3333333333333333 cup milk
1.0 cup brown sugar
1.0 tsp mustard
1.0 cup vinegar
0.5 cup water
1 - Combined meat, crumbs, egg and milk. Mix thoroughly.
2 - Form in small balls.
3 - Place in baking pan.
4 - Combine remaining ingredients.
5 - Stir until sugar dissolves and pour over meat balls.
6 - Bake at 325F for 1 hour
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter