One of the things I did before all the layoff stuff went down was get rid of my cable service. I don't watch enough TV to really keeps it, and I found a place where my antenna gets all the channels I need (I just use local TV for local news).
The nice thing is, I don't use the TV as a my TV. The signal goes into my TV card on my PC. Which actually allows you to stream it anywhere in the house. It works BETTER than my cable service!
Onyl downside is I don't get CBC anymore. But I only watched the news on CBC, and they put that on YouTube.
Turns out I really need to work on the website a little more than I thought. I did finish all the Star Trek stuff (Minus Redskirts) and Closetspace stuff. But the A Wish for Wings stuff hasn't even been started. And there's at least one large graphic I still need to make. So maybe tomorrow. Or the day after. But I'm working on it!
Doing the finishing touches on the updated website. I've decided that what I need to do is use SeaMonkey for desigining the pages, then use Frontpage 2003 for the automation. I already have Windows XP installed for some games here and there. Might as well fire it up for web authoring.
Really liking how the site looks now. Lots cleaner, dynamically resizes, and works on phones WAY better (if a little crowded).
The update continues apace. I actually worry that it's not taking nearly as long as usual, but that happened last time, too. I think it has to do with the fact that my laptop is pretty beefy for a laptop, that I'm using USB3 devices and that the updated software doesn't try to compress already compressed archives. I'm used to it taking a week, not two days.
As long as the final archive is the same or bigger as last year's, though, I'm not gonna really worry.
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter