I ran into Redmond today for a dental appointment, and decided to give Five Guys a second try. My first Five Guys burger was cold and had turned into a solid slab of fat, which didn't exactly enamor me. So I tried it hot.
Actually a fairly good burger! Close to Whataburger in flavor, but not quite there. But it has a problem: it's far too gooey. It's a hamburger paste once you're about halfway through the burger. Also, no way I ccan finish even small fries, and I don't like wasting food.
If it weren't for those two things, it'd probably be my Whataburger surrogate up here.
Tonight's Dr. Who was "School Reunion."
I don't want to say they wasted Anthony Stewart Head for this episode. They didn't. He's ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. But as an alien headmaster? This guy just oozed The Master. I know that when the previews of this episode came out, I was thinking OH, WE'RE GETTING THE MASTER. And we kind of got him. Cause he really had that "refined evil" thing down. Just as an alien headmaster, and not The Master.
Not a fan of the cattiness between Sarah Jane and Rose, especially with Sarah Jane kinda starting it, but the denoument of Sarah Jane willing to help Rose when "her time comes" was really lovely.
WE HAVE STRUAN BREAD! Yeah, it collapsed, but at the same time, the bread is very very good.
Despite it collapsing, It's not dense and is nicely moist and perfectly chewy. I'm thinking what collapsed the bread was either overworking the dough (the recipe calls for FIVE risings) or the stove being too hot (it's supposed to bake at 350, but even with my oven set to 325, it ended up at 375 and was ready far faster than it should have.
But it's GOOD regardless.
Also, these two loaves are about a month of bread for me, so I'm giving a loaf to the girls. I just didn't want to cut the recipe in half in case that's what killed it last time.
I just made some amazing fried chicken in a completely different way than I normally do.
Basically, threw some chicken thighs into a bowl, and added ten of the Colonel's eleven herbs and spices (I was out of celery salt), an egg and Tapatio sauce for some heat. Mixed it all up so it got all over the chicken.
Then I added flour by the quarter cupful, mixed it up, and did it again until the chicken was white with flour. Deep fried it up and OH MY THAT'S GOOD. Lot less wasted flour, too.
Some of the last things I ordered before the layoff are starting to trickle in. Ironically, as a reward for deciding to stick with Tableau and continue my lease.
Movie Hot Rod finally came in. I normally don't buy doubles of toys, but the current "Transformers Retro" line is reissuing some of the toys I didn't have in 84-86, and some I did, but in the animation colors.
What's funny is, I didn't like putting all the stickers on the toys back in the 80s, because I wanted them to look more like the animation models as it is, so I began picking up the reissues.
First the Wii Shop Channel, then the Wii U and 3DS eShops, and now a more personal end of an era...
The day I was asked to stay on past my first Christmas Peak in 2009-2010, I torpedoed my bank account and picked up a Wii and Nintendo DSi to have the systems on hand for support. One of the games I picked up was Picross 3D (I've loved Picross since Mario's Picross on the Game Boy).
It's a very involved game, very intense, and while I love Picross it took a while to plough through this game. Tonight, FOURTEEN YEARS LATER, I finished the first game I ever bought at the "Nintendo Fun 'n' Games" company store back in the day. :)
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter