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Not the fairy ring I was expecting to find in the woods....

Who knew Sasquatch liked B-Ball.

You don't leave Sultan Bakery hungry, I can tell you that. I also love that their menu is "whatever is on the dry boards today."

A few months ago, I noticed that part of Click's skid plate had popped off. Being unemployed and not able to go to the mechanic to fix it, I simply popped it back into place and promptly forgot about it.

During yesterday's roadtrip, after about 130 miles, I put my car in reverse and heard a terrible grinding noise and my car leaving a freaking GOUGE in the gravel driveway I was pulling out of. After checking the car, the part of the skid plate had popped out, and it caught the gravel, pulling a huge chunk out which was now dragging on the road, and on top of that, pulled another huge chunk out.

I did my best to pop everything back into place and beelined it to the nearest town, Cle Elum. After driving around to find a place that was open at 10PM on a Sunday that had duct tape, I found some, and taped it up.

Then I drove home, which was about 70 miles. Somewhere on that drive at 70 MPH, the skid plate popped back out dragged on the freeway (which I didnt' hear), and tore off multiple pieces. When I got home, what I found was a huge part of the skid plate not broken, cracked and very conveniently, "shaved" where it hit the road.

Thankfully, it wasn't too hard to make a fix on it. It looks like one of the bolts fell out causing the skid plate to droop to begin with, and one of the sections that was torn off had a lone bolt just hanging there. Took that bolt, and refastened the skid plate on the front. This looks like it'll keep the remaining skid plate bak where it needs to be, for the most part.

For the parts that are no longer fastened to anything, I used duct tape, in a fix my dad would be proud of. Which means I probably should get it to a mechanic as soon as I can afford to.

Blue line: Jenn's path down the 1923 alignment of US 97
Thick white line on the right: Current, much saner, less WHEEEEEEE alignment.

You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find duct tape on a Sunday night in Cle Elum.

Minor emergency repair on the car, but I don't think she's liking even paved county roads these days....

Remade the yeast rolls after finding out that I copied the recipe wrong that may have led to them being dryer than I'd like. So I remade them and...they're still dry.

But I really had to think...I think Luby's Dinner Rolls are actually kinda dry, too (my memory is fuzzy as I haven't been to one in almost half a decade). I think they're more flaky dry than bready moist. So I may be making them correctly...for Luby's.

I think I have a Threadgill's recipe I'll try next time to get a closer to school cafeteria roll.

Also, these rolls are teeny tiny since when re-did the recipe, I knocked it down to 14g carbs per roll, which is the amount I use for "snacks" (the originals were 33g).

Every year, I spend my birthday getting food from Pennsylvania and Canada as I do miss my time there. North sent some stuff the other day, actual physical reminders of my time in State College. Made a memory shelf out of it all.

An evening in State College, Pennsylvania, 1997, twenty six years later.

Tired of not seeing your candidates on the final voting ballots? PRIMARIES ARE COMING UP.

Vote the heck out of the pirimaries, and who knows, your guy may show up on the final ballot. But you gotta get your votes out there.

If you have a primary coming, please vote.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.