I think my basil plant is dead. :/
While I was in Texas, my thermostat dropped to 50 to save energy. Basil doesn't do well in anything below 70. And my house was a steady 50 for a week.
I came home to find all the leaves browning and dry, and the water dried up (I filled it to the brim on the way out the door). I'm watering it again to see if I can save it, but I don't think it will.
Hey, all! Some fun ST:TMP related news!
As you may know, I'm a fan of Movie Archaeology, digging into early drafts of movies. ST:TMP got me started in that, and was the subject of my first comparison page of all the drafts and movies, which you can see here: http://dolari.net/startrek/tmp/index.html
What CAN'T you see? The actual scripts (unless you ask real nice). Mainly because I can't afford the bandwidth for some of these scripts to be downloaded. However, the folks over at Forgotten Trek have made some of the scripts I have available for reading!
Read Phillip Kaufman's "Star Trek: Treatment for the Motion Picture " (a last ditch attempt to keep Star Trek: Planet of the Titans afloat) here: https://forgottentrek.com/phase-2/planet-of-the-titans-the-film-that-wasnt/
Read both Harold Livingston's Rough Draft and Gene Roddenberry's Second Draft of "In Thy Image" here: https://forgottentrek.com/phase-2/in-thy-image (The Rough Draft was written for the proposed TV show, and the Second Draft was written as the production was moving towards Star Trek: The Motion Picture)
I do have other drafts of the movie, which aren't hosted online right now, but if you'd like to read them, let me know.
I got the 4K AND 5.1 working from the PC! It's a nightmare hack but it worked. I ended up plugging an Displayport to HDMI cord into the TV. Boom, 4K at 60Hz. There is another cable from the HDMI to the audio splitter. Boom 5.1.
So, after all that, I'm still not getting HDR from the PC but at this point I'm happyish. I get 4K when I need it, 1080p when I don't, and 5.1 all around.
It works well enough....
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter