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Woke up to about twenty messages saying "JENN. DID YOU SEE? DID YOU SEE?!?!?!"

This is gonna crack so many eggs. ❤

Hey, T-mobile. If someone leaves me a time sensitive voice mail at 1PM, it's probably best you notify me of it before 4AM the next morning.

Wow, US medical insurance is so bad that today I discovered that my Medicare coverage was cancelled. How is that even possible?

It had everyone at the doctor's office wondering.

The answer is that I was on a Medicare Advantage plan - which I now know is something that every person should avoid. And they simply change me to a new medical provider - at a new location with new doctors and no records - without ever telling me.

You know who created the Medicare Advantage program - Republicans.

That's the same people who created various "health savings plans" in which those savings vanish at midnight each December 31.

I will be getting out of that "Advantage" plan at the next registration period, but that means that I'll be going the rest of the year without medical insurance, even though I am paying monthly for it.

Sheesh, the R-party really knows how to screw the public pooch.

I am having raspberry shaved ice and all is good with the world for the next thirty minutes.

Okay Linux laptop makers.

Please make your keyboard not suck, or just make a tablet.

I would totally get your runs-mainline touchscreen tablet and just bring a proper keyboard when I need to do real work.

I will extra shove money at you (budget willing) if you include a digitizer and a pressure sensitive stylus.

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stop addressing a crowd as "ladies and gentlemen." it's not inclusive. instead start your speech with "what's up bitches" #NonbinaryPeoplesDay

Let me be clear. The #RNC is calling for 'unity' but 'unity' behind their original platform of hate.

Attacks on minorities aren't being removed from the ticket. They're being pushed as they would have been had Saturday's horrible events not happened.*

If YOU are a #Minority, as I am, and this ticket worries you, tell people who are important and safe that you feel that way.

#Talk about what these policies and continued hate means and what they will mean if #TrumpVance win the election.

And normalise that it's okay to condemn #gunviolence without standing alongside them.

*gun violence and political violence is wrong in all forms. I don't like Trump or what he stands for, but gun violence and political violence is wrong.

@Aminorjourney @QueenieDeerhart - I used to have a character on Social MEdia called The Emperatrix of the People's Democratic Socialist Federated Republic of Texas (Reformed) who made fun of Texas Politics.

Then things got too scary to make fun of. I miss her.

I somehow missed my nostril with the Flonase spray. At least my forehead will be allergy free. 🤭

Transfem Meme 

@egg_irl_bot - Trying to fix that for ya. :)

Can't help with the lightning, though.

I’m still irritated that as Twitter died all the public information oriented campaigns (transit, fire service, govt announcements) didn’t shift to providing easy to access open technology alternatives for getting that information to people.

And I’m not talking about Mastodon or any other Fediverse stuff. I want RSS. I want to subscribe to a BVG feed to learn about disruptions, I want an easy to access feed of events and protests in my city…

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.