It was never about "won't someone think of the children?!"
Woke up with this in my head, so now it's in yours:
@thegibson @socketwench - When that scene hits our screens, everyone in our house sings,. to the DuckTails theme:
"Duck Tits! Wooo-oooo!"
Me after seeing Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Governor Janet Mills standing up to Trump to his face:
@socketwench - it also doesn't help that I was completely stricken by 80s lacepunk. I love 80s lace punk. I WANT 80s LACE PUNK TO COME BACK.
@socketwench - Outside of the hair that could pick up over-the-horizon-soviet-radar Lea Thompson in HTD was Baby Trans Goals for me.
@Aminorjourney - ...working on it.
If, someday, #USAnians look around and wonder what happened to their national status and prestige in the world, they will have an unusually clear transition point to look at.
Today will be looked back on as the day the rest of the world stopped even pretending to believe Americans' "we are the shining city on the hill, an example to the world" credo had the slightest bit of truth left to it.
Embarrassing. Shameful.
Texas is now trying to crominalize all gender transition surgeries, not just for kids. In fact, the house bill was written ABOUT banning surgeries for trans kids, but then had them stricken to criminalize all surgeries.
"The bill, H.B. No. 3399, amends existing Texas law regarding procedures and treatments for gender transitioning, gender reassignment, or gender dysphoria, specifically addressing the use of public funds for these services. Key changes include the removal of references to "children" in the context of prohibited procedures, thereby broadening the scope to apply to individuals of any age. The bill prohibits healthcare providers from performing surgeries that sterilize individuals, administering certain prescription drugs that induce infertility, or removing healthy body parts, while also outlining exceptions for specific medical conditions and ongoing treatments initiated before June 1, 2025."
House Bill 3399:
Gene Hackman
I have had a rough day, but we had a nice moment. After testing every 5.1 codec I had for this new and expensive surround sound system (and failing), I was considering sending it back when a friend suggested another use for it.
You office has stereo PC speakers, right? Put the sound system in there. It's still just gonna be stereo, but with some high end speakers a decent subwoofer. Gonna make it sound nice in there.
I hooked it up, and sure enough, it's still just stereo, but a nice beefier stereo that fills the room since the rear speakers are also pushing out sound.
So not a complete waste. Just a big one.
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter