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The local CVS locks up deodorant and toothpaste so they can’t be shoplifted. That’s always made me uncomfortable, but it’s been hard to express why.

My partner just summed up my feelings beautifully with the line, “I believe things should belong to people who need them.”

I don’t think people shoplift deodorant and toothpaste unless they need them.

I love this line and wanted to make a note of it so I don’t forget.

I looked out my window just now and next door's cat, Lady Oblong the Destroyer is performing her duties as Chief Judger of the Peasants Next Door (us) with magnificent aplomb.

She's an unbeaten champion in her chosen profession. If only she could sniff disapprovingly, her life would be complete.

#cats #catsofmastodon

If you meet a MAGA influencer, be sure to treat them gently — they have defended Putin for free for two and a half years, and they just found out, others got paid 10 million for doing that.

what was i assigned at birth? unrealistic expectations

I don’t, and I cannot stress this enough, wanna.

I want to know why an itch I scratch on my foot causes a corresponding itch in my shoulder blade.

Woke up early today and took a trip up to Bellingham to meet up with @Aminorjourney . Nikki is the voice of Carrie in the Closetspace comics, and author of all her music, and because of that, a dear friend I would do most anything for.

Also got to meet the entire @show crew and a had grocery store lunch with them and caught up for an hour. It was good to see Nikki, @amerikate and @pyoor and meet the names I've heard over the years. :)

I'm sad we didn't have much more time, but they were on a work trip, and a schedule, and time was short. I gave her some signed prints and a sketch I did last night just for her.

I need to see them more often.

I took a little time getting back home, enjoying the summer and because I rarely roadtrip these days to save money. Ended up booking it back home to make physical therapy in time, then got groceries than came home and napped for an hour in the Air Condiitioned office.

Safe travels, TE. Have fun up there. :)

150 miles, physical therapy, and groceries later, and I'm exhausted. ::collapses::

@xilatsdert - I thought maybe I'd typed something in wrong, or that the 2oz of spaghetti was wrong (the recipe asks for "1 serving of spaghetti"). But no, I got it all correct.

I'm guessing it's really a recipe for the sauce, and you pour as much as you want on your spaghetti, but HOLY COW.

Ooooh, this looks like a good recipe. One serving, but I can scale that up if necessary. Just calculate this nutritional information and...YIKES.

I've been unemployed for about a year and a half. I don't doubt that I've put in a couple of hundred job applications. I've gotten five interviews and a LOT of spam from places I've applied.

I sometimes wonder if this just isn't a way to get email addresses to feed marketing.

@spottyfox @DeltaWye - I fy ou can get Clark's get Clark's. I haven't seen it in ages, though.

@spottyfox - Ah, yes! You know, then! It's VERY VERY VERY good. :)

@spottyfox - I always try not to poison the waters when it comes to teaberry. It's a very good very fruity wintergreen flavor.

But it's also the flavor of...a very popular medicine....

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.