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I guess I needed twelve hours of sleep.

If there's any happiness all this extended unemployed time has given me it's sleep time. I sleep when I need to for as long as I need to.

Gonna miss that.

Tonight's Low Quality Ad is for the Snailax Knee Massager. This is perfect for the low budget exoskeleton I'm constructing. My mechanically massaged knees will give me a significant advantage over the average human.

Today I pulled out all the boxes for my stuff, as I get ready to pack. I don't throw boxes away mainly because they're DESIGNED to protect the contents, so if I need to move I can just put the stuff back in its box.

It really does feel like a defeat, though. I was supposed to start this last month, but kinda waffled until today when circumstances said "you have the time, Jenn, it's time to start."

It shouldn't take long to put the stuff that has boxes back into them. From there, we pack those into packing boxes, and pack stuff that's just loose. Then into storage. Then break down the furniture.

Still, trying really hard not to see this as a defeat. But it's hard not it. I still have a month to find work that'll keep me here. But that's quickly looking like it's not going to happen.

@socketwench - I love that end narration. "The Planet Earth is now dead."

That ending was suggested by Heston, if I remember right, as a way to make sure "NO MORE SEQUELS." The original ending was that the bomb goes off, supposedly killing everyone inside, but life goes on.

Decades later, though, a hand breaks through the rocks, and it's the hand of a gorilla. A MUTATED hand of a gorilla. With a rifle. And...get this...the first thing it does is kill a dove.


@socketwench -

Heston wanted nothing to do with any sequels. He felt it blunted the message of the first movie. In fact, the only way they could get him back was to kill him off, which was supposed to happen at the beginning of the movie. They moved it to the end.

He even donated his pay to charity.

@socketwench - They chose James Franciscus cause he looked like Charlton Heston Jr. :)

@socketwench - Many of the appliances from the original movie had degraded, and while they were remade for the starring roles, most everyone else are wearing latex maskes that aren't even glued down.

One of the bad things about the POTA movies is that the budget was pared down for each additional movie.

@socketwench - Just wait'll you get to Conquest. It's the Watts Riots in Sci-Fi. But usually I'm rooting for the apes in that one.

Just got some spam email from Abu Ghabi, and everytime I see Abu Dhabi, I think of the Abu Dhabi song from Garfield:

As much as I love my cabin in , I also have an apartment in the city. Spent the evening cleaning up the physics of the place, as it needed some work. But it's nice and cozy....

So, that pic of me sitting in a stonehenge area in Resonite? I made that whole area. In game. In VR. I "drew" it, by sketching convex shapes into plinths.

It's so wierd creating stuff in CR. Drawing objects, pulling and stretching them with your hands...being ablke to grab and twist and move the stuff around to create. It really feels organic, and like building in real life.

Every day, spiraling inexorably closer to a Framework Printer.

random thought 

Every pronouncement of what's wrong or who's to blame for any of the many forms of doom around us should end with "And here's what you should do."

And here's what you should do! Reply to posts and other things with "What should I/we do about it?" or something like that.

Let's focus on practical changes and not the constant proclamations of how bad/good people are.

I LOVE this so much. Maori MPs in the New Zealand parliament protest attempts by the centre-right government and far-right "ACT" coalition partners to pass legislation that water down treaty rights of Maori.

New Zealand is one of the only places (the only?) in the British Empire where the Crown signed a treaty with all Indigenous peoples at the time of contact. It has shaped NZ Law and Society ever since!

Thank you to @b9AcE for the video.
#NZPoli #IndigenousRights #CanPoli

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.