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Dealer: So, for your next car we have these two models on the lot and ready to go. Which would your prefer?

Jenn: The Sportruck, please. I'll pay cash.

When I was younger I had a lot of Taiwanese friends, and because of that I picked up a verbal tics that I in my later years I worked hard to remove because they could be considered verbal appropriation.

I have to be SUPER careful about watching videos with Uncle Roger in them, because afterwards, one of those tics comes back:


// Deep Space 9 theme, but it's coming from DS9 itself. Yes, there's no sound in space. Unless...

Lol. Daughter gave me a load of old notebooks she's not going to use (I like to make notes and scribble etc). And I am LOVING this one. Also very sweetly it's never been used and is totally empty. I'm going to fill this book up so fast it'll make your heads spin.

Fascinating evolution and migration of the word "kitchen" from the latin word "cocina" and all other variants.

(by Reddit user: u/LlST- )

I cannot really fathom leaving the country by myself. Are there other #trans folk who might want to band together to research and plan?

#Emigration #LeavingTheUS

Do we have any 8-track tape enthusiasts here? I'd like to find a new home for a few boxes of tape cartridges. Free of charge, for collection in north Bristol (UK)

Mark Twain "came in with Halley's Comet" and "will go out with Halley's Comet."

I'm kind of the same, but I think I came in with Saturday Night Live.

@Aminorjourney - There's a local non-profit that tracks these things, check trends and does action when needed. They've been contacted.

I think my basil plant is dead. :/

While I was in Texas, my thermostat dropped to 50 to save energy. Basil doesn't do well in anything below 70. And my house was a steady 50 for a week.

I came home to find all the leaves browning and dry, and the water dried up (I filled it to the brim on the way out the door). I'm watering it again to see if I can save it, but I don't think it will.


I'm not just done with 2025, I'm kinda done with the 2020s in general. Quickly on my way to kinda being done with the 21st Century, and watch out Second Millenium.

TLDR: Jenn got the cops called on her for Recreating While Brown.

I've been making an effort to reconnect to the area after becoming a fairly comfortable shut in during Covid. I've been visiting the little towns in the area and seeing what's there. Today was Issaquah's turn.

After a breakfast at the Great American Diner, a walk through down town, with a side trip through the library just to finally get a library card and then a hot chocolate at Issaquah Coffee Company, I had about thirty minutes before sunset and decided to just enjoy a little time because I run life at a mile a minute.

I was at what seemed to be the post-apocalyptic Berntsen Park enjoying the petrichor atmosphere for about 15 minutes when the police pull up. Someone called about a suspicious person in the park. I'd noticed someone in the window watching me as I walked around, but didn't think anything of it, but they must have decided I was an undesirable and called in.

The police were professional and even a bit apologetic. I gave them ID, pointed out my car, and after about ten minutes they left. I waited a few minutes after that just to prove to whoever called me that I wasn't leaving...and then left.

It's a park.

People use parks.

Even the post-apocalyptic ones.

Don't freaking call the cops on people enjoying parks.

And, really, don't call the cops ON BROWN PEOPLE enjoying parks. This could have gone nightmarishly bad if someone else had shown up, I was in a different town, a different county or different state.

Hanging out at a park and enjoying the atmosphere should not be a reason for a police call.

Thank you, Issaquah, for making me feel comfortable here.

< /sarcasm >

I remember back in the days when 1080 HD Video was coming out that I thought animation wouldn't look much different. I was quickly proven wrong. A 1984 anime movie in 4K? It looks FREAKING AMAZING.

---and then that's when Vladimir Zelensky himself drove me back home from Disney Land.

Wait, the server was down? Boogers. Well, It'll be in my next novel. I'll tell that story there.

We are rapidly and quickly losing the battle in the US for trans rights on the Federal Level. We must protect them on the state level where they're still protected, and fight all the way down to the local level if necessary. If only to buy time to get more people to safety.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.