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Note to self: When "JK Rowling" is trending, don't read it if you want to keep up your spirits.

Jenn Reads Her Social Media:

::scroll scroll scroll::
::punched in the face by a post::
::shrugs, takes the psychic hit, tries to shake it off::
::scroll scroll scroll::

"Hi, I'd like 140 stamps, please."

"We're all out of holiday stamps."

"What do you have?"

*displays stacks and stacks of Hanukkah and Kwanzaa stamps*

"I see what you mean about no holiday stamps"

Children stop asking trans librarians for Harry Potter books challenge 2k23

And remember, the x in anime titles is silent, except when it's pronounced "cross"

Apostrophes are of course pronounced "dash"

@ami_angelwings Kingdom Hearts but instead of Disney it's National Film Board animated shorts

I'm guessing I'm not the only one who went from "Which Tesla will I buy?" to "My next car could be one of many EV brands – except Tesla" in a shockingly brief amount of time.

This Week's Meals (3/3): Some Kind of Stir Fry Thing.

I literally didn't have pan big enough for everything, realized this was a recipe for stuffed mushrooms not sliced mushrooms and it all went sideways.

But it is now a nice, if thick, mushroom vegetable stir fry. Now I have 2.5 pounds of mushrooms to figure out what to do with.

That's the problem with kids today. No one makes videos from the Office of the Secretary of Defence like this anymore.

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Seeing as I haven't cooked meal #3 for this week, I guess I'm gonna try that Squareat cube thing early....

someone please save us from cis people who believe they understand trans people better than we understand ourselves. I’m so tired.

This Week's Meals BONUS: Nanos (Sponge Bread)

So, that Roman cookbook I have that I have no real faith in anymore? I don't put a lot of faith in the recipes anymore, but what it IS is a list of foods that I can look up online to try.

It has a recipe for Nanos, which is a cheese bread. Sounds good, but, again, no faith in the recipe (Especially as it calls for cheddar cheese, which we've previously determined is...not right). But I didn't see any other recipes for Nanos anywhere online. I found just one entry that mentioned it was a cheese bread, but no recipe. Just an entry of that it was a bread. I decided to go with the book's recipe. It actually has two different recipes, so I decided to try the first and it wasn't bad!

The crust with the cheese has got a nice bite to it, neither too crunchy, but not soft. The crumb is good, and the cheese layers give a nice taste to the bread. My only complaint was that I forgot the only bread pan I had was from IKEA, who make theirs super long and thin. So my loaf looks really long and really flat.

Also, I finally finished that bag of shredded cheddar cheese. I don't know if there was something wrong with it, but my goodness, it was the smelliest cheddar I've ever had. It was pungent.

Wow busy busy weekend. Deep cleaned the house, watched The Room (and palette cleansed that with Fellowship of the rings part II), photographed an MRE taste test, enocoded six hours of videotape, got to see Crystal and Ada at the local park, cooked ten meals and a loaf of bread. And suddenly the weekend is done.

Still need to vacuum the office, and cook another five meals, but this weekend was conquered. Now I relax for a few hours and enjoy the fruits of my ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.