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RSS does so much other stuff, too: news outlets and blogs often have RSS feeds (and so does your Mastodon account).

Facebook and Twitter used to support it, but have done their best to kill that support in favour of forcing people to visit their sites directly for content. Many people still lament the deprecation of Google Reader because it was such a good and popular place for curating feeds of syndicated content, and its ending was a big blow for public awareness of RSS as tech corps shifted to monetised platforms.

But RSS is still what fuels podcasting! It has survived so much, especially the post-GFC pivot to centralised platforms, and the fact that it is still driving podcasting at a fundamental level is a miracle and a joy.

In the current era of rapid change and renewed excitement for a human-centred, community-powered web, I hope to see it celebrated, supported, and embraced again in more contexts. Don’t be afraid to believe it can still happen.

#RSS #podcasts

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Them: Faving posts on Mastodon is useless, only the OP sees it.

Me, when a post gets faved: awwww, little internet hug ✨

In Germany everyone who planned the coup was rounded up in one day last week, thrown in jail.

In U.S., almost 2 years later, we're still finding texts from members of Congress urging Trump to invoke "marshall law." And Trump, leader of the coup, is running for president again.

Yeah, just to be crystal clear on this, on behalf of #Trans people working in #TransHealth everywhere: one of the reasons we feel constantly under attack is the NYT editorial board. I'm glad they ran this story, but nothing grinds my gears more than when centrist media outlets who have previously traded trans lives for clicks publish "why is this happening?" think pieces, as if it's some unanswerable question. #ProtectTransKids #ProtectTransHealth

(Commander Riker spins a chair around backwards, plants his legs on either side as he sits, then speaks in a youth-pastor voice) "Hey, kids, you know what's cool? Humanistic optimism, that's what."

You will encounter many people who seem quiet, unremarkable, whose names will never grace the history books, who will never achieve fame. Yet, many, maybe even most of those will be somebody's hero, somebody's shining light. That is glorious. Perhaps you are one of them.

OK. OK. Hold on. You mean to tell me that 6 minutes and 30 seconds into his detransition coming out video veteran Chris Beck mentions Christianity and bodies being the temple of God and NONE of the stories about this are mentioning Christianity or a Christian conversion as an aspect of his big detransition story at all?

Story to come I guess. I have two hours of video still to watch but I'll be damned if I won't watch the whole thing before I report. Buncha hacks out here these days. Grumble.

And remember: calcium is a metal

You're a goddamn meat-mecha with a metal endoskeleton

you should be proud of this

I miss the McDonald's Arch Deluxe. That was their best burger ever.

Kinda want to get a old/ancient typewriter, add some actuators, and make it a line printer device 😄

The Jenn's Grocery List Challenge: Create ONE dish that uses every ingredient on the list in the amounts listed. Including the wire fasteners and gas.


I've been on Mastodon a little over two years, but I've never done an Introduction, so in keeping with the tone of, an intro:

The irrisistable transgender urge to install Linux on All The Things.

Recipe Review:

Wild Rice Soup: While I messed this up by not cooking the rice before I added it, it did cook in the soup and soften up nicely. This came out GREAT and I would totally do it again. The soup is nice and creamy, and the wild rice (wether it was how I made it or nice) give a nice chewy bite. Absolutely would make again. :)

Fettucine with Cream Sauce: Eh, it's good. The cream sauce is very thin, but tasty, and oddly contains no cream (cottage cheese and ricotta only). If I could thicken up the sauce it'd be fantastic, but otherwise, pretty decent. Good, would make again.

Mushrooms Italiano: I freaking messed that up big, and therefore it is disqualified from reviewing. Note to self: CAREFULLY read the recipe instead of skimming it for what you need to cook.

Nanos (Sponge Bread): This bread came out so much better than I thought it would. A good chewy, yet very slightly crunchy crust, the crumb is fairly dence but tasty and the cheese gives it a salt so that you don't even need butter on it. Cheddar Cheese may not be Roman, but it works in this bread.

Looking like next week won't get over freezing very often. TIME FOR THE YETO'S SUPREME SOUP.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.