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No warning. I report on Elon Musk and other topics for The Washington Post and will keep doing so because free speech and transparency are important for the world.

In the last few days I ... wrote about Elon Musk. I posted links to publicly available, legally acquired data as well as links to Mastodon, which also now is banned on Twitter.

Elon Musk is free to ban whoever he wants from Twitter, just like people are free to take their speech somewhere else.

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Thinking of changing the comics from one panel a page to 5 or 10 to cut down on the number of pages on my site, and the number of manual edits I' need to make to 700 pages. O_o;

Or I could just build all my pages in SeaMonkey, then jump over to Frontpage for its template application and not worry about it.

I really wish I knew why mobile Chrome was ignoring the text size on that disclaimer.

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Thanks to some feedback and my own I HATE HOW THE TEXT LOOKSness, I've made a few changes to the proposed main landing page. Let me know if it works for you. That Supposed-To-Be-Orange-But-Its-Poop-Brown is NOT working for me.

uspol, txpol, anti-transness, excuse me what the actual fuck texas 

anti-paywall link to WP article:

"HOUSTON — Employees at the Texas Department of Public Safety in June received a sweeping request from Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office: to compile a list of individuals who had changed their gender on their Texas driver’s license and other department records during the past two years."

Trans genocide 

It’s not merely that #Trans folk don’t deserve this crap.

It’s also: if Paxton and Abbott are wasting time and resources on this BS, then they’re NOT working on *real* problems.
Example: they haven’t even STARTED trying to fix TX’s power grid.
Texans better get used to outages, because they’re only going to get worse until they start electing Democrats.

Fixing *real* problems takes work.
Harassing TGs & immigrants is what lazy fuсκ-offs do.

M51 is a spiral galaxy located about 31 Mly away in the constellation of Canes Venatici.

The galaxy is interacting with a smaller galaxy (at the top).

It is an easy object to find in binoculars or small telescope. It is just off the last star in the handle of the Big Dipper.

Congress passed the CROWN act that would prohibit employers from discriminating against natural Black hair in jobs.🙂 But of course, GOP Senators are blocking its passage.😑

In 2022 USA, hair as it grows naturally out of a white head can be considered "professional," but out of a Black head is "unprofessional."

The search queries include Black folk trying to figure out "You mean I can't get a job or get into college with unprofessional hair? But I just got a haircut? WTH is professional hair?"

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Sandy Hook happened 10 years ago today. At the time, people said "how many more children have to die before we do something to stop the killing?"

The answer: 25,000

25,000 children killed by guns in America in the last decade.

And still virtually nothing has been done.

Look, if you’ve shouted into one abyss, you’ve shouted into them all.

In today's New York Times a Homeowner Association tried to force a Maryland couple with a native garden to change to a tidy lawn. The complaint was that their garden was "attracting rodents, deer, snakes and bats, and that they were planting shrubs and bushes in no particular order." Yes, in no particular order!

Legal proceedings ensued and there's now a state law forbidding homeowner associations from banning eco-friendly gardens.

#biodiversity #gardens #urban #nature

Hey y'all. Website is getting a bif update in January and a clean-up. Here's a quick shot of what the front page would look like.

I'm going for a much cleaner look to the site, but keeping the color schemes I've had since Day One. It's a little Windows 8, but I still think it looks okay-ish. It also should be dynamic and resize to the size you want it be within some limitations both small and big.

I checked it out with my phone and while it works great in a horizontal alignment, the vertical alignement is not the best.

1) Does this work for you technically? Image wise? Nothing cut off, broken, scrambled? (The links are all broken, so please don't worry about that)

2) Does it work for you aesthetically? Does it LOOK nice?

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.