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Jenn: I hate setting alarms in a weekend. Even if it's a late alarm.
Body: Then you're going to absolutely love me waking you up after five hours of fitful sleep and not letting you back to sleep!

Jenn: I hate setting alarms in a weekend. Even if it's a late alarm.
Body: Then you're going to absolutely love me waking you up after five hours of fitful sleep and not letting you back to sleep!

So, the first batch of Kolaches was a massive failure. The second was overcooked but made for Thanksgiving guests. The third was under-rised, and made for a potluck.

Do I make a fourth just for myself and freeze them? My christmas gift to myself was usually kolaches from Weikels. I could just MAKE them for me.



Computer Generated Jenn watches "Computer Generated" Max Headroom.

The latest iteration of "Saturday Sci-Fi Theater" is now:

10:30PM-11:30PM - Night Gallery
11:30PM-12:30AM - Star Trek: The Next Generation
12:30AM-1:30AM - Max Headroom

I adore Max Headroom. I really loved the sadly shortlived cyberpunk genre of TV Sci-fi. It's kind of funny how close we ended up getting to that.

I loved how the production had the show as 25fps film, but any video screens and POVs from cameras were 60fps.

Also, Amanda Pays as Theora? Baby Jenn's Trans Goals.

Tonight's ST:TNG is "Family." One of the reasons I thought Season 4 of TNG really did stand on it's own was that this was one of the few episodes that I didn't think TOS could do, and was so different from the original Star Trek, but so right for Next Generation.

An episode that explored family with so many characters so deeply. It was an Star Trek episode only TNG could so.

@jarehadeen - "TTRPG writer and editor." THAT explains why you knew Sea of Legends! :)

You can keep your Runts. My fruit flavored hard candy is Rascals:

"We learned nothing from the pandemic."
"Oh, no. We actually learned a lot. It's just those in power and those looking to profit like the way things were."

Last boost: Something I found funny from readng a ton of old newspapers was a lot of this wasn't about curing you of anything, but knocking you out while your body fought off sickness.

And now I shall prove my powers over people's minds by inserting one single thought in it:

"It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake."

::exits dramatically::

First they came for Black and native people, but I didn't care, because that's how it's always been and anyway we've come so far, haven't we.

Then they came for the immigrants, but I didn't care, because those people cause a lot of problems and they're unclean and strange.

Then they came for the sex workers, but I didn't care, because it's their own fault to work that job and I mustn't be associated with that kind of people.

Then they came for the homeless, but I didn't care, because I like my cities clean and they could just get a job, really what's so hard about that.

Then they came for the pregnant, but I didn't care, because men like me can always get their girlfriends an abortion if needed.

Then they came for the trans people, but I didn't care, because frankly they're sort of weird and just a fad and we're just indulging them and their wacko doctors.

Then they came for the permanently disabled, but I didn't care, because I was in good health and they should just stay at home or eat healthier.

Then they came for the journalists, and I wrote an op-ed titled “first they came for the journalists”.

— liberal journalists

Edit: for the love of whatever, please stop sending follow requests. At this point I've got around 100 piled up and I will not get through them all, ever.

Edit (14/03/2023): Did away with the all-lowercase and capitalised properly.

"Look, all we have to do is walk into a bar and the joke will write itself, trust me."

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.