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I am straight up banking on losing power and/or internet later today given the windstorm coming this afternoon. Everything is charged up and ready to go, candles around the house ready to go. And I took the rest of the days food out of the freezer so I don't have to open it and keep the cold in.

How LONG it'll be down is another question....

This Week's Meals (3/3): Luby's Brocolli Casserole

Of course, when I went shopping for ingredients, I completely forgot a small part of the casserole: Brocolli.

And I'm DONE with cooking this week. ::enjoys the last hour and a half of my four day weekend::

# Broccoli Casserole

Luby's Recipes & Memories
7.0 servings

0.5 cup butter
0.5 cup yellow onions (diced)
1.0 pound broccoli florets (frozen)
10.75 ounces cream of mushroom soup
1.0 cup white rice
1.0 cup water
1.0 teaspoon granulated garlic
1.0 teaspoon kosher salt
1.0 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
8.0 ounces Cheddar cheese (shredded)
4.0 broccoli florets (blanched)

1 - Boil rice and water in a closed pot on high heat.
2 - Once boiling, set heat to medium. Wait five minutes.
3 - Set heat to medium. Wait five minutes.
4 - Set heat to low. Wait five minutes.
5 - Take pot off heat. Wait at least five minutes.
6 - Preheat oven to 350°F.
7 - Melt butter in a large skillet over medium high heat.
8 - Add diced onions and cook about 3 minutes.
9 - Stir in frozen broccoli and cook until almost thawed.
10 - Add cream of mushroom soup, white rice, garlic, salt and black pepper, and bring to a simmer, stirring often.
11 - Remove from heat and add half of cheese. Fold together.
12 - Place mixture into a casserole dish, top with remaining cheese and bake in oven about 20 minutes or until cheese is browned and casserole is hot.
13 - Remove and let rest about 20 minutes before serving.
14 - Garnish with fresh blanched broccoli florets.

Greg Abbot intentionally chose Christmas Eve to attack migrants seeking shelter. Fascist losers like him get off on the hypocrisy of claiming to be Christian.

TIL that the Gyruss arrangement of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor was inspired by this cover.

Mars is at it's closest to earth and ground based telescope are now able to take this kind of pictures!
With the help of various techniques and technology advances we are more and more able to treat large amount of data into hig resolutions images ✨

[Source: ]

RT @journeygalactic
[Dec. 25, 1967] A merry musical Christmas from The Monkees!

Within a few hours, I came across this post by @mekkaokereke and a friend sent me this screenshot from the re-release of the classic PC game 'Oregon Trail' (where the player takes on the role of a settler).

It was a beautiful reminder that it is possible to receive feedback positively, to take accountability, and to do the work to better ourselves. The outrage around "cancel culture" is largely just a way to shield all of those who are unwilling to do that work.

I think it’s important to repeat: you don't "have something to hide" when you put blinds on your windows or close the door when you're on the can or wear clothes.

Privacy isn't about having something to hide. It's not about keeping secrets. It's about you being the person who chooses what you reveal about yourself, and when, and to who, and the other word we have for that is "dignity". Your inherent dignity, as a human being.

Your privacy is the agency you have over your dignity.

“Booty call” and “butt dial” has been offered up as an example of where the literal meaning of two phrases is the same but the implied meaning is very different (denotative vs connotative meanings).

Today a coffee mug gave me another example: “dad bod” and “father figure”

#linguistics #wordplay

@scalzi I don't understand why calendar reform didn't go with a variation on the ancient Egyptian calendar (or perhaps the French revolutionary calendar): a year should consist of 12 months of 30 days apiece, plus 5-6 extra festival days at the end.

Why did cartoon characters from the 30s-60s introduce themselves as Esquire?

Did they all practice law?

Did this mean something else earlier in the 1900s?

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish he'll be buried in student loan debt and can't get a job with his fishing degree

2029 will be the year of Emacs coming out as bisexual
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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.