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Glory does not only come from spectacular deeds. Glory is when you do something you didn't think you could do. Glory is when you are afraid of something, but persevere through it. No matter how small the achievement, revel in it. Be glorious.

Jack Black is slowly morphing into Jonathan Frakes, or Middle Aged Riker.

Them: "Please rate the experience our support tech gave you."

Me: Your product is shit, but the support tech did their best and resolved the problem. Five stars for them, zero for you... but that's not an option in your survey, is it? And if I downvote your company, the tech will pay for it, right? :flan_molotov: five stars, would beat your board of directors with a club.

Greetings. There is so much that can be said about Gerry Anderson and his "Supermarionation" productions, using puppets (usually actually marionettes) ultimately to create vast hi-tech adventure sagas, the peak of which was the British TV series "Thunderbirds" (1965-66). I loved these as a child and I still think they're great.

Today I'll just relate one story about Anderson's impact.

One day, Gerry was on a tour of the UK facilities where the Franco-British supersonic Concorde airliner was being designed. Along the way, someone asked what he did for a living. He rather sheepishly replied that he made children's TV shows. "Oh, like what?" he was asked.

So he mentioned that he did "Fireball XL5" and "Thunderbirds" and such.

And in no time at all, he was surrounded by Concorde engineers and techs who wanted to say hi and shake his hand, many of whom said it was his shows that had inspired them to enter the engineering field, because they actually wanted to *build* those planes and rockets that were created for his various series!

Much the same happened here in the U.S., with the original "Star Trek" inspiring generations of engineering talent.

So yeah, TV matters! -L

I wonder if this is a test run for something more sinister. I hate thinking conspiratorially, but these days, you can't be too sure.

Homophobia aside, those Chick-Fil-A ads don't make me want to eat chicken. They make me think that cows are assholes. Now I want to go to McDonald's and eat SO MANY burgers to stick it to those class traitor cows

"do you read your reviews"

I don't know, do you stick your head in a large opaque bag that contains a combination of both delicious candy AND angry wasps in some unknown proportion

It's wierd...big wind storm everywhere BUT here. Not even a power flicker. I looked at my radar app, which can also show winds and apparently it was strong in the south, strong in the north...and nothing where we were.....

Happy 16th Rez Day to my Digital Self, Carrie Talaj.

Second Life is one of the few places I can be how I feel without fear of humiliation, abuse or mockery. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's likely saved my life on more than a few occasions.

OH 1: "this kernel has *three* PS/2 mouse drivers"
OH 2: "but why though"
OH 1: "high precision, low precision, and microsoft"
OH 2: "ahhh, the three genders"


Do you ever think about how G1 Starscream used to be a scientist

Like wtf was he researching


When I started my freelancing business with #PHP and #WordPress I hung this up on my office wall too.

Trans Confession: I have some comfy around-the-house clothes that are size or two too big just so I can feel smaller.

"Sugar and spice but nothing nice, crocodile tears, half a pack of lies, a chatter of a magpie, and the hardest stone for her heart."

Hey Mastodon...

This is just a friendly reminder that if you see any type of bullying, harassment, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or casteism, REPORT THAT SHIT AND BLOCK THEM!

If you see any incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies, REPORT THAT SHIT AND BLOCK THEM!

If you see any dog-piling or doxxing of other users, REPORT THAT SHIT AND BLOCK THEM!

Do NOT tolerate anything above. EVER.

Let's keep Mastodon safe for EVERYONE.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.