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Geared Down meal #2: Chicken thigh with paprika and cayenne pepper (AKA Chicken Guillet), caesar salad bagged kit, and a banana.

Chicken Guillet is amazing, but will weaponize your spices into a nerve gas.

Geared Down Grocery Breakfast: Three egg omlette with American cheese and Chocolate para Mesa. I'd add bacon to the mix, but my bacon spoiled....

The full backup of the Video-Enabled 3DS is done. Holy cow that was a lot of work, but (1) everything is now backed up to it so I can stream pretty much anything off it and (2) all the save data is transferred, so it's just the way it was when I last used it (including all the finished Zelda games, and Super Princess PEach).

Rook all day, but it's done. Most of the hard work is over, though, so I'm thinking the NN3DSXL with the wonky Game Card port won't take nearly as long.

So I'm thinking about really gearing down my groceries by just buying staple foods. But...I'm wondering if I still want to do maybe ONE nice meal, like a nice Sunday Nice Dinner.

Downside, it's hard to get ingredients for just five meals, much less one meal.

Trans danger thoughts 

Lately, I volunteer time helping with evacuations from Afghanistan for people targeted by Taliban while also collecting evidence for a case to be brought to the ICC. In this process I help with trying to secure visas to the US (and sometimes other countries).

I can't shake the irony as I work each case that I'm helping these people flee to the same country that I'm preparing to potentially have to flee with my family as it gets too dangerous for us.

That Spaghetti all’Assassina is amazing, but it has such a powerful taste, I woudln't recommend eating five meals of it, one daily, like I did. It gets to be a bit much quickly.

The hack of my video-out 3DS went very well, to the point that I'm considering hacking my main NN3DSXL. The Game Card slot is starting to get squirrely, and it might be best to just put everything on a single SD card and be done with it. If the game card slot finally goes out, it's the end for that 3DS.

Thinking about the most knotty naughty nautical knots.

Well. This is frightening. Missouri has made it easy for you to harass your trans neighbors:

Hey trans folks. I’m scared and I know you might be too. I also know that people love me, and that people love you.

I truly believe more people love us than hate us. And I think more cis folks are willing to stand up for us than we think, even if they aren’t vocal about it.

We will be ok. You will be ok. Take care of yourself and each other. #trans

I like to think that, if I could find clothing that was as flattering as I get in Second Life (and had a body as flattering as in Second Life), I'd have at least some sense of style.

everyone please be safe out there tonight.

Wait a Interstella 5555 just...anime Kidd Video?

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.