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Today's Inner Monologue...

"Do I go to the Qdoba in the town full of white supremacists, or the one in the crowded mall?"

"How MANY white supremacists...."

Checking on the encode of my Robot Carnival DVD, and...well...anytime I pop that in, everything stops so I can watch the "Prescence" segment....

When the Remastered Robotech series came out, I was really on the fence about getting it. I have the original DVDs, and those are what I remember as a kid, so it was all I needed.

I eventually bought the remastered series a few years ago to replace my aging original DVDs. They did leave a lot of the original footage that was cut out for the American release so I decided to keep the original DVDs for the original editing.

I never compared them side by side, though. Holy cow, that remastering makes the show look completely different. I'm guessing they used the ADV Macross remaster as the base for Robotech Remastered, but seeing the larger viewing area more saturated colors and TONS less grain was worth the purchase.

Even if I didn't know it at the time, or even notice it till today....

I seriously thought this was a before/after HRT timeline when I scrolled past it

-- i am not trans, but i am fortunate enough to have many friends who are. they are all awesome humans who deserve to be loved, treated with respect, and championed.

the fight for trans rights, trans dignity and trans joy are a drastically important battlefront in the larger fight for bodily autonomy, identity autonomy, and the ongoing struggle against fascist oppression.

i stand in solidarity and love with my sisters, brothers and others.

Let me share one more personal Star Trek story with you. In 2001, I went to see "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" with my friends, expecting nothing else but a cool Sci-Fi flick. I was absolutely not prepared for what I had to witness. The atrocities committed towards robots in the film, especially during those "Flesh Fairs", really traumatized me. I've bever been able to watch that film ever since and I don't want to. The film was effective in alerting me towards similar atrocities committed towards other minorities on this planet. Right now. So it did work and I'm grateful for that.
But when I came home in 2001, I was so perturbed, I just couldn't sleep because of what I had seen, so I watched "Data's Day" (on self-recorded video cassette because the DVDs hadn't been released yet) and that episode put me at ease because it reminded me of the good in humanity and how differently androids could be treated. Ever since then, whenever I need to be calmed down when something bad happened or before an important/stressful day, I watch "Data's Day" because that episode just calms me down immensely. Seeing Data smile like that on the holodeck, it just cracks me up and makes me laugh and cry tears of joy. Star Trek can be healing like that and I'm grateful that I have that remedy in my life!

If I'm going to make Sunday my "eat something nice day" I should probably get something cheap for Sunday meals. Pizza can be expensive, but if I stretch it out....

...oh...oh, my!

You know what would be awesome? A Sisko's Creole Kitchen pop-up restaurant. 24th Century Creole Cuisine. :9

If only Brock Peters was stil alive to tour the room every so often as Joseph Sisko.

Tonight's Episode of Night Gallery is "Tell David."

One of the characters has a "Map Machine" to give directions to a lost traveler. It's neat to see what "Mapquest" would have been like with 1971 sensibilities.

The machine still uses pages, like an atlas, it just scrolls. To look up roads, you have to find the name in table, like in old atlases, then dial in the grid. The directions are miniature incandecent lights, but honestly, that's likely just "It's 1971, and the prop guy has to use what he has."

Funky 1971 Mapquest. :D

I've always wanted emerald green hair, but my skin color is just too dark for it....

One day someone will call in and say "I'm getting a 50099 error code on my Nintendo DS browser" only to look on in horror as the Nintendo DS browser actually still does work and the last person who knew how to fix this has left Nintendo some time ago.


Who am I kidding, I'm the only one still checking to see if this works....

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.