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lieutenant natasha yar is alive conspiracy theory

Some days, man. Some days....

Wordle 658 X/6


So the Gov of Texas states he's going to pardon a murderer.. because said murderer killed a BLM protester. A murderer who bragged on social media before committing the murder about how much he wanted to kill protesters. Fuck the GQP.

Fuck the so-called party of "law and order" and "social responsibility". The scariest part is that those on the right could actually obtain control over the federal government. It is the duty of every American citizen to ensure that those people don't get in charge ever again.

If you support the those on the right, you're part of the problem too!

i believe in the Users.

i believe in the Grid.

i believe that in there, in the Digital Frontier, is our destiny.

i believe that corporations, brands, and politicians have no place there.

i believe queer folk, trans people, internet weirdos and techies lay proper claim to the Grid, as we were its earliest natives.

i believe in our ability to use the digital world to improve the real world, and vice versa.

i believe in spite of it all. tell me why i should panic about the latest crisis and i will believe twice as hard.

we are the ones we have been waiting for.

Oh, my goodness, that bread. Toasted in butter? Oh, my goodness.

This wasn't my first graphics program back in the day (that was CSHOW, but it was the first one I used to manipulate graphics, TWENTY SEVEN YEARS AGO IN DOS.

(I had to reinstall it after someone prompted me for ASCII art of Tasha Yar. :D )

Ah, I got the Tasha Yar Self-Eulogy program running on Windows XP!

So, I made some struan bread last night/this morning. It came out better than it had any right to.

The recipe just didn't work. There were a lot of ingredients to the bread, which I expected, but once everything was put together, it made for a very hard chunky dough. My mixer wasn't having any of it (making that ugly "I'm burning my motor" noise), and when I hand kneaded it, it was just rough.

I ended up adding almost triple the water it asked for to get it into a fairly dense but proper feeling dough. It called for three rises, though, and all three worked BEAUTIFULLY.

But I think where things went wrong for the second time was it said to punch it down and put it in the fridge overnight. I did so, and when I took it out of the fridge to rise to room temperature, it rose very lightly. Even after warming up the oven and leaving it in there for an hour to rise, it barely rose. I think Seattle "room temperature" is just too cold for good rising in any season other than Summer.

So I just baked it. And, you know? It's good. It's dense, but it's good. I think I either need a whole new recipe, or just use the ingredients and ignore the instructions, putting the bread directly in the oven instead of trying to get it to rise out of the fridge.

It's actually really good tasting. There's a LOT of stuff in it, like rolled oats, corn meal, cooked brown rice, yogurt (subbing for buttermilk) giving it a good texture. Also the repeated rising and punching down gave it a real subtle sour taste that's just BARELY there.

I've got two weeks of this bread now, I think I'll make it again, but this time, follow my own instincts instead of the instructions.

On the pharmacy’s floor
is a faded sticker which reads:
“stay safe—six feet apart”
seeing that I am looking at it
an employee tells me
that they tried to get rid of it
but it’s really stuck
so they’ve decided to live with it
and I can’t tell
if he means the sticker or the virus.

::waking up every morning and checking the news when you're trans::

Anyone got a good struan bread recipe? Cause the one I got...needed WAAAAY more water than it called for in the recipe. And I don't think it's gonna come out good.

Vivian Trimble

Luscious Jackson's video for "Naked Eye" is one of the prime inspirations for my (eventual) novel "The Many Lives of Genevieve." That makes Vivian Trimble one of those inspirations. Sad to see her go so young....

New Transmissions: “Weapons.” Thoughts on the Nashville shooting, and the Right’s response.


Just finished the latest Picard. I've said this season really feels like "TNG All Grown Up." But honestly? This is the first episode that just felt straight up "TNG." All the cogs were finally in place, the machine turned on and we got TNG all over again.

Last year, I had a few minutes with Michael Okuda and Dave Blass at the TMP show, and they kept reiterating that Season 3 was going to be something special. They weren't exaggerating - this is the best Trek I've seen since the end of DS9.

A few months ago, for a medical procedure, I wasn't allowed any solid food for 48 hours. I made something super cheap and tasty to make up for all that jello I ate, and all it was was 6 boullion cubes dissolved in a quart of boiling water.

I actually made some just cause I wanted some today. It's actually that good. :)

Although this time, I added some hot sauce, just cause I could. :9

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.