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Mastodon is amazing. I can post a joke here in Florida and an 82 y/o woman in Kuala Lumpur will laugh. I don’t know what the problem is with you other 1.6 million active users, though. 😖

[turns chair around, sits in it backwards, addresses camera] hey, human kids. you know, it's all well and good to listen to Tom Waits. Sure, we've all stashed a copy of "Swordfishtrombone" behind the toilet tank, there's no shame in admitting it. But if you find yourself identifying too closely with his music, you're headed down a dark path, amigo.

if you find yourself nodding, sighing and wistfully whispering "same" into your bourbon-stained pork-pie hat while listening to "Rain Dogs," it's time to seek help. remember, the first step is to stop eating cold beans out of a dead hobo's shoe down by the Cadillac graveyard off 34th and Calico, using your broken dreams as a spoon.

6PM: Whew, that was an afternoon of chores. Now for the rest the my evening....
11PM: ::wakes up on the sofa:: "Huh, wha?"

Trying to figure out if I want to try making this week's bread as Luby's yeast rolls, or something from my Hill Country German cookbook.

One of the recipes is for making castor oil gingerbread cookies to give to sick children (from 1916). XD

Truth time.

I'm six months into unemployment and things are looking real bad on that front. While I'm good to tread water until at least September, I'm not sure where to go from here at this point.

I wanted to concentrate on my writing and comicking but the pinched nerve has killed that for now.

Just not sure where to go from here.

I could never be an actress because I have zero control over my eyebrows.

"Piracy can't be stealing if paying for it isn't owning"

This is increasingly how it feels, when things you "own" digitally become inaccessible, and when shows which are locked in streaming services can get delisted on a whim, disappearing forever.

Thank you @Illuminatus for this quote.

[Edit: In case this wasn't clear, this is about entertainment and digital ownership, not physical goods]

Become the girl that you would have been too scared to speak to in high school.


Look, they're gonna call it Threads I want friend circles to be called Weyrs.

And I want a fucking psychic dragon that can eat sheep and belch fire.

Of all the misinformation I've seen online the theory that 2017 was 6 years ago and not 3 is the stupidest. Who's going to believe that?

Are you even really running mastodon if you're not singing about being a crystal gem while upgrading

A reminder that is closing shortly (a day or so left).

If you haven't migrated instances, please do so as soon as possible to retain your account on the #fediverse

:blobfoxthinking: Where to go? :blobfoxbox:
We at are still open and accepting registrations if you need a place, but if foxes aren't for you then take a look at and join an instance.

:blobfoxdisputed: Closing down post :blobfoxdisputed:

:mastodon: Official migration documentation 📖

#VulpineClub #feditips

Theme for today:
"Perfection is the enemy of progress."

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.