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Are you telling me there's not a configuration/tweaking utility for Wayland called Jennings

"Well, I'd love to wear a rainbow everyday and tell the world that everything's okay / But I'll try to carry off a little darkness on my back / 'Til things are brighter, I'm the man in black."
-Johnny Cash, a woke antifa

It has a real impact on how much money I make, which is particularly crucial while I pay to fight cancer.

people: “so uh, youre trans, right, uh, have you gotten, uh, ‘the surgery?’”

me: “yea i have” blades descend from my arms and i slice them in half

Nobody knows what will happen if you blink 183 times

I may have been the subject of a world record in misgenedering. The guy was apologetic every single time after I corrected him, and you could tell he natually says "Sir" at the end of every sentence. But....DAMN.

Is it just me, or did they make Sam Kirk in Strange New Worlds purposely look like Guy Fleegman from Galaxy Quest?

I've heard Jess Bush's voice, and she sound very little like Nurse Chapel in Strange New Worlds.


Oh, no, I made too much teaberry ice cream for Crystal. Whatever shall I do with the extra that won't fit in the container? I'll just spoon it into this bowl while I figure out...oh, no, it's melting. WHATEVER SHALL I DO?!?!

Okay, then. That Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks crossover? That worked way better than it had ANY right to.

Thinking of making pizza again for next week. This time, not the Hylian Pizza but just some generic all purpose peppperoni. Nothing esle is really on my mind about next week's dinners. In fact, given that it's my birthday week, I'm thinking of just eating in all week.

So. That Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks crossover episode? It's out. Like. Right now on Paramount+.

With all new opening credits, too:

I do not understand Monte Cristo sandwiches. I've eaten them. I've made them. I just don't get them.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.