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Out of all the advancements in cosmetic surgery, we still can't safely and easily give humans kitty ears yet

Some follow up to the Pride Wall removal, this time about the City Council meeting that happened earlier. I'll have my own thoughts on this once I've decompressed from all that....

Remarks of the President of the United States Concerning the National Strategic #TwitterMigration Plan

The real reason trans-people are banned from playing chess tournaments is because they alone possess the ability to turn a King into a Queen winning the game instantly :trans_heart: :gaysper:

sleepy webdev? more like. target="_blankie"

I've been a bit quiet this week. Unpacking and decompressing some stuff. Unpacking and decompressing a LOT of stuff.

Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do?
Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do?
Subtle innuendos follow
Must be something inside

When a virus is described
as “seasonal”
I did not realize that meant
that you could catch it
in each of the four seasons.

Reminder - if you keep emergency supplies such as emergency rations and potable water, make sure to check your food's expiration date and replace the water regularly.

happy "Elvis is Still Dead Day" to all those who celebrate it.

remember when Elvis sightings were a thing, and fat, weirdly-pompadoured, be-jumpsuited Elvis became sort of a shorthand talisman for the kind of uneasy but vaguely optimistic, post-hippie, pre-millennium/pre-internet fascination with fortean events, UFO's and the supernatural? adjacent from actual cult lore, only mildly overlapping with Fake Real Cults like the Subgenii, often appearing in pop culture imagery before fully metastatizing in its most well-known host, The X Files.

Rotund, Spangled, Perpetually-Young-and-frequently-abducted-by-aliens Elvis was a symbol unto itself that meant a lot of things, and people just stopped using it after the turn of the century. last time i heard anyone mention Elvis in this capacity was in the first "Men In Black" movie ("Elvis is *not* dead, he just went home"). the culture has moved on from this now quaint period of low weirdness that lasted from the mid-80's to the mid-to-late 90's.

if you ever want to read a book that perfectly encapsulates this time period, seek out the book "Buddy Holly is Alive And Well On Ganymede" by Bradley Denton; which was going to be made into a movie starring Jon Heder but never came together.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.