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I've seen a few posts from friends talking about how it's getting harder and harder to relate to the younger generations. I worry about that myself a lot.

I don't think I've lost touch with younger generations, but the divide is there. But I do make the effort to keep in touch. Not by watching the latest shows, or listening to the latest music (although I tend to do the music thing), but by just talking and listening. And learning, specifically.

In becoming a "trans elder," something I'm trying hard to do is to allow myself to listen and learn from the younger folk. I don't want to end up like the folks in Boulton and Park who, when faced with an 18 year old in 1992, gave advice that was fine for a transwoman living in 1972.

It's not that I want to be a forty year old teenager walking around and saying "How do you do, fellow kids?" I just don't want to be the stuffy person giving bad advice to our younger folk who actually know better than me, learn from our younger folks, and be aware of the world around me as it is, and not as I remember. I may have the wisdom but they're living in the now, which is much different.

Also, I want to be the 2050s version of that awesome 1980s grandma who listened to death metal and genuinely enjoyed it.

Looks like we're going to get the worst of the smoke at 3 to 4AM. Just as I go to bed. We definitately had a smoke sunset, and the moon is blood red. I was smelling smoke when I left the girls' house this evening....

I remember the 2000 Election. There were enough votes for Ralph Nader to hand the election to George W. Bush.

I remember the 2016 Election. There were enough votes for Jill Stein to hand the election to Donald Trump.

In 2024 the Green Party is running Cornell West. Let’s not repeat this history, friends

Your vote is not a marriage. You’re not choosing a life partner. It’s a chess move for what’s best for the country and the world.

The other day I mentioned that I was considering a meal subscription service. I mentioned specifically Hello Fresh, cause it was the one I had on the top of my head. Someone on my Mastodon feed came up and mentioned they were seemingly anti-union and created a lot of waste.

That's good information, for sure, and I plan to consider it. But something I'm noticing online where every choice comes with it's share of shaming. While the post I got on Hello Fresh wasn't really shaming, many of the others are, ranging from being a terrible person for making choice A or how choice B is destroying the planet.

Here's the thing: Everything is terrible. Everything is bad. Everything has secrets. Everything has issues. It's how we navigate that terribleness that matters.

I want to buy a pickup as my next vehicle. There's a lot of anger towards that depending on who you talk to. But the navigation is that I genuinely use it, not just as a daily driver, but a truck.

It's not a status symbol, it's not a gas guzzler (in fact, I'm planning the next pickup to be an EV), it's genuinely going to be my daily driver, and it's going to be put to work whenever there's work to be done. Just like when I had Cheyenne.

There will never be a perfect corporation or service. It's the navigation of the choices that you have in front of you that matter.

I'd like to be snarky about this, but it's sad to watch #Twitter's slow death. That stupid, beautiful site has been vital to me in my development as a poet. And as someone who can probably be described as Very Online, I used to find the site good in a bunch of other ways as well. But at some point, you have to go. He's deleting old tweets to save a bit of money on storage space. And meanwhile, all the tweets on the Arab Spring, the Mumbai attacks, etc, are gone. They're just...gone.

Tears of the Kingdom Post-Game Milestone:
All Gleeoks defeated!

Current status:
All Shrines
59 Light Roots

All Korok Seeds, Main Quests, Side Adventures, Shrine Quests, Side Quests and Memories completed

91.93% Complete
340 Hours Played

I hate to say it. but those Magic Masala chips from Canada weren't all that good. :/

I'm already planning for a run of Threadgill's yeast rolls for this week (looking for that perfect yeast roll recipe, still), but I'm gonna save this bread recipe for later:

So the read I’m getting is that trans women are too strong for sports, too beautiful for pageants, and too smart for chess. Trans women are literally comic book superheroes apparently.

Welcome to mastodon, new people. Here we block everyone.

Twitter introduces new feature that before posting you must first retweet one of Elon’s tweets.

Often those who attack you for being different are motivated by fear: fear that some aspect of your life that they do not share invalidates theirs. Hold your head high, for why should you give heed to the opinions of the easily frightened?

google: please sign in to google :)
me: ok
google: please enter your password
me: ok
google: haha!! we just have to make sure it's you.. please answer a text
me: ok
google: do u have ur phone... can u do the TOTP app? or a recovery code
me: ok

Here's a comparison I haven't seen elsewhere. Maybe it'll be helpful for people in other countries, illustrating the challenges of distance in Canada's far north.

Evacuees from #Yellowknife need to drive 14.5 hrs to get to Edmonton. This is like evacuees leaving Manhattan, at the Lincoln Tunnel and driving to an #evacuation reception centre in Jacksonville, Florida.

And the route in Canada's north is flat-out highway driving – not urban streets and stop lights.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.