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Dreamed that I was invited to a YouTube Influencer convention and went. I met the Try Guys and became instant friends. But then they stole a bunch of money, got caught, and I was guilty of association. They gave it back and we were let go after signing an NDA, but then they took my truck out while I wasn't looking and wrecked it.

And here I thought they were nice guys.

So, did The Rapture happen? Are they all gone now?

Silly Jenn Facts: I am 49 years old and have never won an Othello/Reversi game. Ever.

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How do the hate rallies against LGBTQ people and our human rights all across Canada make me feel?

I am upset as an empathetic human being, knowing LGBTQ youth lives and well being are at risk.

I am retraumatized from my own past as someone who lost friends, family, jobs for being LGBTQ.

I am tired of always having to be hyper vigilant to ensure the safety of my partner and friends.

I am sad. It's a painful time to be LGBTQ in Canada, we are going backwards in our walk towards equality.

Apparently the Yu-Gi-Oh tournament authority has added deliberately misgendering your opponent to the list of unsportsmanlike conduct that can get you disqualified.

Your move, WotC.

The fediverse long united, must divide; once divided, must unite. Thus, it has ever been.

It’s not Groundhog Day: Even more Clarence Thomas corruption has been uncovered by @ProPublica.

A George W. Bush-appointed judge says these newest revelations about Thomas fundraising for the Koch brothers “takes my breath away.”

 “No one should have to have a plan to move out of state just because their kid needs to get the health care they need.”

If I ever won the lottery, I wouldn't tell anyone, but there'd be signs:

Last Boost: This is the main reason I am judiciously going through my VHS archives for stuff to save before I toss the tapes out.

Turns out I had a copy of an episode of Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea that was missing media (The Capture of Demosthenes). Thankfully, all the Spartakus episodes were found recently, but if they weren't, my tape may have had the only copy....

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.