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My wish is for every single future trans person to be able to accept themselves without ever having to first reach that sorry state of “fuck it, it's either this or death, so just fuck everything”.

The passage through that point of pain is so pointless. We deserve to start out from a place of joy.

More than three years into the pandemic, the millions of people who have suffered from long COVID finally have scientific proof that their condition is real.

NBC News reports: "Scientists have found clear differences in the blood of people with long COVID — a key first step in the development of a test to diagnose the illness."

Here's the original study in Nature:

#COVID #COVID19 #LongCOVID #COVIDIsNotOver #Pandemic

First, did y'all know the Techno Girls fansubbing group from back in the day is still alive?!?

I'm sending things over so I can get some physical copies of some things from them and I cannot explain how excited that makes me! #anime

There’s another GOP candidate debate coming up with the leader of the pack notably missing again. The rest of them should have to answer questions that he has raised in his latest “Truth Social” postings about Gen. Mark Milley, Jack Smith and Fani Willis. Do they agree with him? Do they condemn his words? The GOP has got to start to take ownership for the things their de facto leader says. They can’t be allowed to continue to deflect and dissemble.

There’s plenty of fish in the sea, and they are having a great time without you

Linux sometimes reports a USB peripheral as "Generic Mass Storage Device".

Suddenly strikes me: isn't that a pretty good description of a black hole?

I you wanted some tasty modern recreation fonts of the olden days of Apple, here's a chart with the old name on the left and its modern counterpart on the right (they are searchable and all free)

That worry when you see this go on for longer than it should, on one of the few working VCRs you have left. Thankfully, I just let the encoding go. Turns out it's just that one episode, and likely a problem with the VCR that recorded the show, not the one playing it.

This is a major achievement. The first laundry I've managed to fold since the whole pinched nerve thing started.

Heads up for all my peeps in the Vancouver area, there's a serious wind storm coming in tonight bringing heavy wind and rain so prepare thyselves. It's lasting through until Monday night apparently.

Get those USB battery packs charged baby!

I just realized, between nine months of dealing with Unemployment and Employer Paid COBRA insurance (both ending in the next few weeks), I've had a taste of "simulated" Universal Basic Income and "simulated" Socialized Medicine, and I gotta say...

I've eaten well.

I've made incredible progress in my medical issues.

I've kept my apartment.

And the only reason I haven't had time to be more productive in what I WANT to do is because I've had a pinched nerve keeping my computer screen time down.

Gotta say, it's working fairly well.

An amazing piece of sculpture by the artist Frances Bruno Catalano, which symbolizes the vacuum created by being forced to leave your land, your life, your people... for any reason.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.