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it hadn't clicked for us that Disney now has a financial interest in Doctor Who

that's... bad. that's really bad

I discovered a funny thing today. If I squeeze the middle of the volume control on my wired earbuds, iTunes will open and the first movie — The Addams Family (1991) — will start playing.

I basically have an Addams Family button on hand at all times now.

I'm actually a big fan of the zero day work week

Sometimes a family is a group of fellow travellers, and the renegade commander who won't stop hunting them

You know what I kinda want? An end to "prestige TV" in scifi & fantasy and a return to lower-budget, lower-stakes, 26 episode seasons - complete with all the old tropes of filler episodes, bottle episodes, and the occasional 2 or 3 part arc.

While 2023 has been a complete nightmare, I have the feeling 2024 is going to be a Big Year of Change.

Kinda scary change, but change....

Oh, man, fifteen seconds in the microwave and those cinnamon rolls are soooo goooooooooooood....

Got a lot done today. Decluttered the house, cooked all my meals for the week, washed and put up laundry, got a run of dishes going in the dishwasher, did some job hunting. It was a lot.

But I don't feel accomplished. No "good, work, Jenn!" Instead, I'm kinda sad, and I don't know why. I'm asking myself, "Jenn, why do you feel bad when you did a lot today?" and I can't get a good answer. Sometimes it feels like "None of these chores matters." Sometimes it feels like "Now I have nothing to do next."

Two more hours before bed - trying to ignore the sad....

I screwed up badly and posted this, thinking it was one of mine. A combination of my ignorant misremembering, and having a copy of the original floating around, which is by @mavica_again

Bring back colorful Macs, you cowards

While at it, atomic purple appliances as well

Because the abled world decided that COVID was over for them, COVID will seemingly never be over for some of us. All of the abled people who continue to whine about having to stay at home in 2020 (it was never lockdown, and I will never call it that) and how horrible it was to go without social interaction have pretty much ensured that some of us will never be able to socialize with anyone except through screens.

Hospitals are reinstating mask mandates and they’re still not getting it.

Piggybacking off of yesterday's loaded #poll

Do you believe the QUALITY of healthcare received should be determined by a person's ability to pay for it?

An example of what I'm driving at: Should a CEO have better quality healthcare than a cashier or a waiter?

Please boost for a wider demographic. Feel free to comment below, and please indicate where you're from for perspective. 😊

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.